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August 10, 1970

Hungarian Foreign Ministry memorandum on the Palestine Liberation Movement in 1970 (excerpts)

This memorandum briefly describes the growing Palestinian Movement in Israel and recommends that the Hungarian Solidarity Committee establish ties with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), while not endorsing any radical acts of terrorism.

December 2, 1983

Cable from Ernő Lakatos and Gyula Horn, 'Proposal for the Political Committee'

East German representatives proposed the formation of a permanent consultation group of socialist countries to coordinate international policy and propaganda.

November 20, 1963

Minutes of the HSWP Political Committee Session - Views of Polish Leader Władysław Gomułka on the Cuban Proposal to Join the Warsaw Pact

Władysław Gomułka views of Cuba’s proposal to the Warsaw Pact are recorded in the minutes of a HSWP Political Committee session. He explains why Poland opposes Cuba’s entry into the Warsaw Pact. The statements include concerns over the Federal Republic of Germany, nuclear and conventional weapons, and counter-revolution.

June 21, 1963

Hungarian Embassy in Moscow (Szipka), Report on Soviet-Cuban Relations

Hungarian Ambassador to Cuba József Szipka reports on Soviet-Cuban relations from the early stages of the Cuban revolution to the present. The Cuban government depends on economic, military and political aid; trade agreements; and cultural and scientific exchanges from socialist governments, primarily the Soviet Union. Szipka adds that the Soviet Union’s flexible political steps during the Cuban Missile Crisis ensured Cuba’s security from a US invasion. From Szipka’s perspective, the missile crisis was a valuable learning experience for Cuban officials.

January 28, 1963

Hungarian Embassy in Havana (Beck), Report on 'Relations Between Cuba and the Socialist Countries Since the [Cuban Missile] Crisis'

Hungarian Ambassador to Cuba János Beck summarizes the current relations between Cuba and other socialist nations. The Cuban Missile Crisis revealed problems in Cuba—weak communist party, a focus on world revolution rather than economic development—and stalled relations between Cuba and socialist countries.