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May 10, 1977

Memorandum by Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 'MBFR'

This document describes the state of MBFR negotiations in May 1977, and concludes that the positions of the two sides have not moved closer to one another since the last meeting a year earlier.

May 10, 1977

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'SALT'

This document describes the state of SALT negotiations between the USSR and the US and presents two alternative proposals by Vance.

May 10, 1977

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Factual Data: Cruise Missiles'

This document describes the operational characteristics and strategic implications of cruise missiles, and their potential significance for SALT.

June 28, 1974

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (signed by De Rin), 'Atlantic Council held in Ottawa, 18th-19th June 1974'

Reflections on the current state of transatlantic relations and Kissinger's foreign policy from Italian perspective. The meeting in Ottawa revealed that the US-Europe relationship is not one of harmony and concord, but that Kissinger sees himself as a peace builder in East-West relations, viewing them in strictly bilateral terms.

July 4, 1974

Letter by the Italian Ambassador in London, Raimondo Manzini, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Aldo Moro

Italian Ambassador to London, Raimondo Manzini, writes to Foreign minister Moro in the aftermath of the 1974 Ottawa Declaration. He discusses the British interest in reviving the Special Relationship with the US and its effects on European politics, and suggests that through intensified dialogue and cooperation, an Anglo-Italian solidarity could function as a counterweight to the close Franco-German relations.

January 31, 1974

Letter by Permanent Representative to NATO Catalano di Melilli to Minister of Foreign Affairs Aldo Moro

Catalano di Melilli, Italy's permanent representative to NATO, writes to Foreign minister Aldo Moro about the existing confusion in the realm of international relations. He expresses concern over the process of European integration, and underlines the importance of maintaining good relations to the United States.

July 6, 1973

General Staff of Defense (SMD) Summary Report of the 13th NPG Meeting held in Ankara, 15th-16th May, 1973

Summary of the 13th NPG meeting in Ankara in May 1973. Italian Minister of Defense, Tanassi, raises the issue of reviewing the process of launching nuclear weapons in order to secure the potential military and political advantages.

May 1, 1973

Report by Diplomatic Advisor of the Prime Minister Andrea Cagiati, 'Atlantic Declaration'

Cagiati analyzes Kissinger's speech from April 23 in light of conversations between Nixon and Andreotti. The US efforts to emphasize the importance of transatlantic relations and Europe's role in advancing democratic ideas could create an opportunity to relaunch the process of European integration.

January 24, 1973

General Staff of Defense (SMD) Summary Report of the Ministerial Meeting of the NATO Defence Planning Committee (Bruxelles, 6th December 1972), sent by Minister of Defense Tanassi to Prime Minister Andreotti

Summary of the Defense Planning Committee discussions about the Action plan 1973-78, the problem of standardization, and the common infrastructures program of NATO. It is concluded that there is no realistic alternative to US forces in Europe, and that signs of positive change in Soviet intentions should not be trusted.

December 27, 1972

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Telespresso (Circular), 'Ministerial session of the Atlantic Council, 7th-8th December 1972'

Italian perspective on the NATO Council of Ministers meeting in Brussels that discussed the credibility of Western European defense. The document highlights the need for a unified and cohesive negotiation strategy among the allies.
