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January 7, 1958

Unsigned Draft Code Message to Director Blusztain

This message summarizes responses to the Rapacki Plan from countries in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and North America.

January 7, 1958

Code Message No. 337 from Deputy Minister Nazkowski to Szymanowski (Stockholm)

Deputy Minister Marian Naszkowski offers guidance for swaying public opinion in Sweden in favor of the Rapacki plan.

January 9, 1989

Untitled report from Mieczysław Dedo, Polish Ambassador to the DPRK, concerning the results of Kim Jong Nam’s visit to Iran

The Polish Ambassador in North Korea summarizes the results of Kim Jong Nam's visit to Iran, including possible oil deliveries, arms sales, and cooperation in uranium enrichment.

June 27, 1989

Untitled report from Mieczysław Dedo, Polish Ambassador to the DPRK, concerning the visit of Yasser Arafat in North Korea (25-26 June 1989)

Poland's ambassador to North Korea reports on cooperation between the Palestinian state and the DPRK following Arafat's visit.

January 2, 1982

Untitled report from Leon Tomaszewski, Polish Ambassador in Pyongyang, describing his conversation with Kim Il Sung that took place on December 30th, 1981

In conversation with Com. Tomaszewski, Kim Il Sung analyzed Poland's declaration of martial law.

January 14, 1968

Lt. Col. J. Załuska, 'Report: Information from GDR Military Attaché Lt. Col. Schafer'

Moskovsky advised Pak Geum-cheol and Kim Chang-man to cooperate with the Soviet-led socialist bloc. Conversation with Kim Il Sung and Moskovsky imply strong relations with the Soviet Union.

November 1, 1962

Józef Dryglas, 'Record of Conversation with USSR Ambassador V. Moskovsky'

Moskovsky advised Pak Geum-cheol and Kim Chang-man to cooperate with the Soviet-led socialist bloc. Conversation with Kim Il Sung and Moskovsky imply strong relations with the Soviet Union.

March 4, 2008

Jaroslaw Bratkiewicz, Polish Foreign Minsitry, 'Main arguments regarding the policy of the Republic of Poland towards Russia and Ukraine'

A 2008 Polish Foreign Ministry paper advocating closer relations with Russia and Ukraine.

January 29, 1977

Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Urgent note on Aid to Ethiopia from the Countries of the Socialist Community, Including Poland’s'

Discusses the state of affairs in Soviet Bloc-Ethiopian relations, briefly charting other socialist states’ involvement with Addis Ababa during that period. It also draws suggestions for the possible path of relationship expansion between Poland and Ethiopia, including small military deliveries, as suggested by the Soviets.

April 15, 1971

Urgent Note from W. Paszkowski on Conversation with Viktor Bakin, Counselor of the Soviet Embassy in Warsaw

Summary of Soviet foreign, economic, and military relations with Somalia. In reaction to Siad Barre's military coup, the Soviet Union plans to intensify relations with Somalia.
