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October 15, 1961

Polish Report on International Radio Transmissions

Report on the West's radio transmissions, including: NATO's torpedo activity in the Baltic Sea and the US plans to help strengthen Western navies in the region; US troop movements into Europe due to the Berlin Crisis; US tests of intercontinental ballistic missile "Titan"; exercises of Operation Skyshield and Polaris A-2, among many other missile tests

May 31, 1955

Report on Polish Diplomatic Functions in Washington, DC

This is Major Baranowski's report on Polish Embassy's diplomatic functions in Washington, DC between April and May 1955. It specifically focuses on visits of a military nature, such as West Point and the Pentagon.

February 15, 1955

Report on Polish Diplomatic Functions in Washington, DC

This is Deputy Military Attache Kurina's report of various diplomatic events and functions between the Polish Embassy and other embassies in Washington, DC between January and February 1955.

September 25, 1963

Secret Telegram from Maneli (Saigon) to Spasowski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 12328]

Cable from Polish official in Saigon, Maneli, to Warsaw, reporting his meeting with a US official "Henry" (not Cabot Lodge), where they discuss Maneli's meeting with Ngo Dinh Nhu. Notes that it was an attempt to establish contact between US and Polish officials in Vietnam.

January 31, 1963

Secret Telegram from Rapacki (Warsaw) to Jaszczuk (Moscow)

Cable from Adam Rapacki to the Polish representative in Moscow informing him of Jerzy Michałowski’s coming arrival in Moscow, in light of recent Soviet-US and Polish-US talks on South Vietnam.

January 11, 1971

Report, Polish Embassy in Bucharest, 'Romania After the Agreements on Friendship with the Soviet Union, Poland and Bulgaria'

The Polish Embassy in Romania reports on trends in Romanian foreign relations. There are signs of rapprochement with the other socialist countries in the Warsaw Pact after Romania reversed course to join Comecon. Yet Ceaușescu continued to court China and the United States as well.

July 12, 1967

Kosygin’s Report on Trip to Cuba to Meeting of Communist Party First Secretaries, Budapest, Hungary, 12 July 1967

Meeting minutes from a conference of the Communist and Workers’ parties and chiefs of governments of the socialist countries on the situation in the Middle East (held in Budapest, 11-12 July 1967). Kosygin first reports on conversations with Charles De Gaulle in Paris and with Lyndon Johnson in Glassboro.

October 30, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Havana (Jeleń), 30 October 1962

Jelen continues his analysis of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

October 26, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Washington (Drozniak), 26 October 1962

According to Drozniak, US Secretary of State Dean Rusk has allegedly reported that the latest statements of journalists claiming the relaxation of tensions in the Cuban Missile Crisis do not correspond to the reality of serious tensions between the US and USSR.

October 26, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Washington (Drozniak), 26 October 1962

Drozniak makes an assessment of the Cuban Missile Crisis situation, based on his conversations with foreign diplomats and respected journalists. Among other topics, he includes his opinion that "The operation of installing the [Soviet] missiles in Cuba was carried out in great hurry, without special adherence to secrecy, and perhaps even with the awareness that the missiles would be discovered relatively quickly. This [fact] has been interpreted [by the Americans] as [a possible] attempt by the USSR to test Kennedy’s “the will and readiness to fight.” [Soviet leader Nikita S.] Khrushchev chose Cuba, because he considered Berlin to be too dangerous."
