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November 16, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 6:30 p.m., Friday

Pinto discusses the current situation in Cuba and feels certain that Cuba depends more and more on Soviet economic help, but that Fidel Castro feels sure of that there will only be an overthrow due to an American invasion or by a prolonged total blockade, that will have more grave international implications.

November 16, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 4:30 p.m., Friday

Pinto analyzes Fidel Castro's decision to accept the “unilateral inspection,” when, beforehand, he always rejected inspection of this character.

November 14, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 3:15 p.m., Wednesday

The tight secrecy continues to surround the conversations with Anastas Mikoyan, however in a conversation with Pinto, he reveals information concerning: Fidel Castro, Cuban-Soviet relations during the crisis and Cuba's refusal to submit to international inspections.

November 9, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 11:30 a.m., Friday

Pinto meets with Anastas Mikoyan and Fidel Castro to discuss Brazilian-Soviet-Cuban relations.

November 7, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 5:30 p.m., Wednesday

Pinto describes the current situation in Cuba from the perspective of the Brazilian Embassy in Havana. He says, "The country continues entirely mobilized for the defense. The attitude of the Government seems to be more cautious. Habituated for years of the threat and with the blockade in front of Havana, the revolutionary government is plainly conscious that the danger has not passed and can reemerge at any moment."

November 5, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 4:45 p.m., Monday

Pinto describes two recent speeches, one by Kennedy the other by Castro, and appears to give more credit and praise to the speech by Castro. He also discusses the Cuban crisis situation in general.

October 28, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 6:45 p.m., Sunday

Pinto describes a meeting with Roa in which Roa repeats a message from Fidel Castro's proclamation that the evacuation of the American base Guantanamo should be directed at not only the United States, but also the Soviet Union, to show both that Cuba is not a toy of the great powers and should be heard in the coming negotiations.

October 27, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 7:15 p.m., Saturday

Pinto believes that the immediate visit of the UN Secretary-General U Thant to Havana will be of major importance and, he is under the impression that the Cuban government is disposed to make important concessions in direct negotiations with him [U Thant].

October 27, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 5:45 p.m., Saturday

Pinto tells the Foreign Ministry that he met with the Cuban Minister of External Relations, Raul Roa, but did not receive the Ministry's telegram message in time to ask Roa their question about the upcoming commission of the United Nations to Cuba and the Cuban government's affirmation that it would not accept any type of audit or inspection.