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November 26, 1973

Telegram from New York to Bucharest, SECRET, No. 052312

The document describes a consensus at the UN regarding the Korean issue after an understanding was reached between Kissinger and Zhou Enlai. Thea author observes that some of the US media believes that the US came to a compromise solution with China because Nixon wanted to avoid having more political issues.

August 1973

Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Note, No. 01/010123/73, Secret

Romanian official reports on the progress of the 6 year plan and the intensive industrial and agricultural projects taking place around North Korea. Alongside improvements in the living standards of the Korean people, the report also notes Pyongyang's efforts to strengthen the military capabilities of the state. The document also mentions rise in food price since 1971, North Korea's support for revolutionary movements in Asia and North Korea's plans for the ascension of a single Korean state to the UN.

July 31, 1973

Telegram from New York to Bucharest, SECRET, No. 091.722, Normal

Romanians note that the Chinese are worried about the possible vacuum left behind on the Korean Peninsula if the US withdraws from South Korea. The telegram notes that the Chinese will not oppose continued US presence in South Korea even after the dissolution of the UN Commission for Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea.

June 29, 1973

Telegram from Pyongyang, No.061.253, Urgent, SECRET

North Korean officials blame pressure from Japan and the US as reasons why South Korean representatives are not receptive to the North's proposals in the North-South Coordination Committee meetings. The official believes that Seoul is attempting to slow down negotiations with Pyongyang because South Korea is unstable. Pyongyang worries that Seoul's plan for joint accession to the US will enshrine the division on the peninsula.

June 26, 1973

Telegram from Washington, DC, No.084.605, Urgent, SECRET

Romanian officials in Washington report that they submitted the letter from the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, intended for the US congress, to the US State Department. The US official in contact with the Romanians described North Korea's attitudes towards the joint accession of the two Koreas to the UN as unrealistic.

June 16, 1973

Telegram to Pyongyang from First Directorate, SECRET, No. 01/08463, Flash

Romanian officials relay the message from UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim regarding permanent observers from the DPRK to the UN. The telegram notes that Waldheim will offer his support to the North Korean observers and that obtaining visas to the US will not be difficult.
