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September 17, 1949

Report of the Deputy Chief of the GPU (Main Political Administration) of the Armed Forces of the USSR, S. Shatilov, to Politburo member G. Malenkov on the Dismissal of Tiul'panov

March 28, 1977

Talks Between A.A.Gromyko and Cyrus Vance

The main topic of discussion was US President Jimmy Carter's "comprehensive" proposals for the SALT-2 Treaty, views that the Soviets saw as contravening the Vladivostok accords reached with US President Gerald Ford in 1974. The Soviet rejection of Carter's initiative was certainly the newsmaking centerpiece of the Vance visit. Other, more positive, discussions covered a wide range of topics, including the Vienna talks on arms limitations in Central Europe, the Middle East, non-proliferation, Cyprus, and others. Below is a brief sampler.

June 1977

Additions to 2 February 1977 Report by Third African Department, Soviet Foreign Ministry, 'Somalia's Territorial Disagreements with Ethiopia and the Position of the USSR'

Additions to 2 February 1977 Report by Third African Department, Soviet Foreign Ministry, on "Somalia's Territorial Disagreements with Ethiopia and the Position of the USSR," regarding a meeting between Siad Barre, Mengistu and Castro and Siad’s unwillingness to negotiate with Mengistu

October 24, 1962

Report to the CPSU Central Committee from Department of Agitation and Propaganda

The Department of Agitation and Propaganda asks permission to increase the amount of radio broadcasts from Moscow to Cuba as a means to preempt the 24-hour broadcasts of the US.

August 14, 1978

Background report on Ethiopia’s Relations with Western Countries

The report details the relations between Ethiopia and the Western countries, primarily how they have changed since the 1974 revolution. It focuses on relations between the United States and the common market countries specifically.

February 2, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Counselor-Minister in Ethiopia S. Sinitsin with Political Counselor of the US Embassy in Ethiopia Herbert Malin

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Counselor-Minister in Ethiopia S. Sinitsin with Political Counselor of the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia Herbert Malin regarding the tense situation in Ethiopia and US and Soviet positions with regards to Ethiopia

February 2, 1977

Third African Department, Soviet Foreign Ministry, Information Report on Somali-Ethiopian Territorial Disputes

Third African Department, Soviet Foreign Ministry, Information Report on Somali-Ethiopian Territorial Disputes and the position of the USSR in settling the dispute

February 10, 1977

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador in Ethiopia A.P. Ratanov and Cuban Ambassador in Ethiopia Jose Peres Novoa

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador in Ethiopia A.P. Ratanov and Cuban Ambassador in Ethiopia Jose Peres Novoa concerning Mengistu’s request to Castro that Cuba supply arms to Ethiopia

February 18, 1977

Soviet Embassy in East Germany, Report for CPSU CC Summarizing Visit to Somalia on 31 January-1 February 1977 by Delegation of the GDR Socialist Unity Party (SED) CC

Soviet Embassy in East Germany, Report for CPSU CC Summarizing Visit to Somalia on 31 January-1 February 1977 by Delegation of the GDR Socialist Unity Party (SED) CC regarding the tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia and the need for a resolution, as well as the request by Somalia for East German aid

March 12, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with the DPRK Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers and Member of the KWP CC Presidium, Pak Chang-ok

Relations between S.Filanov and Kim Il Sung are discussed, the internal political oppression of DPRK, the restricted press.
