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January 11, 1961

Record of Conversations between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Sergey Kudryavtsev and Che Guevara

A record of two conversations between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Sergey Kudryavtsev and Che Guevara, recorded in Kudryavtsev's diary. They discuss economic relations and financial trades, especially the Cuban purchase of Soviet gold. They also discuss how mobilization in Cuba has led to a decrease in the activity of the counterrevolutionaries, as well as the possible military intervention from the United States.

April 15, 1954

The Question of a Conference of the Five Great Powers with the Participation of the PRC

At a conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, US, Britain and France, the USSR proposes a conference including the PRC, but the others oppose China's participation.

December 6, 1944

Record of Conversation of D. G. Yakovlev of the Allied Control Commission in Bulgaria with S. Moshanov, Former Chairman of the People's Council of Bulgaria

A discussion in Sofia, Bulgaria between Stoicho Moshanov and D.G. Yakovlev. The two issues discussed were the internal political situation in Bulgaria and British policy in Bulgaria

October 24, 1962

Telegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, to USSR envoys and the USSR delegate to the UN.

The Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered its ambassadors to visit the local ministers of foreign affairs and inform them of the declaration of the USSR on the situation in Cuba and its decision to bring the American violation of the UN charter before the UN.

October 28, 1962

Telegram from USSR Foreign Ministry to Soviet diplomats in Washington, Havana, and New York

The US consul informed the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the procedures of the quarantine.

March 26, 1954

Molotov's Proposal that the USSR Join NATO, March 1954

In this memorandum to the Soviet Presidium, Foreign Minister Molotov proposes that the Soviet Union publicly state its willingness to consider joining NATO. He explains that the proposal is intended to disrupt the formation of the European Defense Community and the rearmament of West Germany, and also limit the United State's influence in Europe.

December 12, 1962

Entry from the Journal of Soviet Ambassador to India Benediktov, Conversation with Indian Prime Minister J. Nehru

Journal entry by Benediktov describing a conversation with Indian Prime Minister J. Nehru. In the excerpt presented here, Nehru expressed a positive evaluation of Soviet-Indian relations, complimenting Khrushchev for his role in resolving the Cuban crisis, but in response to the Soviet envoy's emphasis that the border crisis with China be settled peacefully he firmly defended India's stand that PRC forces must withdraw from recently-occupied positions (e.g., return to the line held on September 8) before talks could start.

January 13, 1951

Ciphered telegram, Roshchin to USSR Foreign Ministry

Message to Stalin from Roshchin informing him of the Chinese receipt of one of his earlier telegrams and informing him of an invitation to Beijing to Kim Il Sung and Peng Dehuai from Mao.

January 30, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 100269, Feng Xi [Stalin] to Comrade Razuvaev

Telegram instructing Ambassador Razuvaev to discuss with Kim Il Sung details for reorganizing the KPA administrative and command structure.

February 4, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 500361, Razuvaev to Cde. Feng Xi [Stalin]

Telegram from Amb. Rauvaev to Stalin reporting on the changes planned in the structure of the KPA, per Stalin's telegram of 30 January
