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November 1, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister V.V. Kuznetsov to USSR Foreign Ministry

Kuznetsov sends the results of a meeting between Castro and U Thant, regarding UN representatives, the blockade and U Thant’s report to the UN.

July 31, 1953

Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee (Draft)

Draft resolution before the CPSU CC, seeking approval for actions required to strengthen the Soviet position in Germany and increasing the counteraction of the aggressive plans of the Anglo-American bloc in Europe.

July 2, 1953

Protocol #1 of the Meeting of the Vyshinskii Commission for Drafting a Proposal to the USSR Council of Ministers Pertaining to the GDR

This contains resolutions regarding proposals for Soviet aid and planned measures in the GDR for economic policy and development.

July 8, 1953

Report from Maj.-Gen. Sergei Dengin to Vladimir Semyonov, 'On the Situation in the Soviet Sector of Berlin'

Sergei Dengin states that a series of strikes are occurring in the Soviet Sector of Berlin, following the East German Uprising. It is reported that GDR inhabitants are generally dissatisfied with the under allocation of food products, steel, electricity, and other resources. Jendretzky has agreed to take measures to improve the supply of resources, strengthen government authority, and control the spread of provocative rumors.

July 9, 1953

Memorandum from Georgi Pushkin to Andrei Vyshinskii Regarding Proposals Made by Semyonov, Sokolovskii, and Yudin

This memorandum outlines proposals for measures that should be taken in order to implement a new political course in the GDR, with a focus on economic development and increased standard of living.

October 29, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Foreign Ministry AA Gromyko and Carlos Olivares Sanchez

Conversation between Gromyko and Sanchez where Sanchez asks the Soviet opinion on a number of issues, including the US blockade of Cuba and Castro’s recent speech.

October 29, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov to USSR Foreign Ministry

Kuznetsov sends the results of a meeting with UN Sec. General U Thant.

October 30, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to the US Dobrynin to the USSR Foreign Ministry

Dobrynin discusses a meeting with Robert Kennedy, where Robert Kennedy sends back Khrushchev’s letter to John F. Kennedy, stating that a confidential and oral exchange is better regarding the subject of Turkey, rather than a confidential and written exchange.

November 17, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to Gromyko, transmitting 16 November 1950 message form Kim Il Sung to Stalin

Kim Il Sung asks to send Korean students over in order to learn flying and maintenance techniques.

November 20, 1950

Telegram from Stalin to Kim Il Sung, via Shtykov

Stalin agrees to train North Korean pilots, but in China, not in the Soviet Union, as Kim Il Sung previously suggested.
