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September 11, 1949

Telegram from Gromyko to Tunkin at the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang

The Soviet Union sends a set of questions to Kim Il Sung on about the South Korean army and North Korea's war plans.

September 14, 1949

Telegram from Tunkin to the Soviet Foreign Ministry in Reply to 11 September Telegram

North Korea plans to attack South Korea, but the Soviet Foreign Ministry is skeptical about North Korea's actual military capabilities and generally disproves of North Korea's plans.

September 24, 1949

Politburo Decision to Confirm the Following Directive to the Soviet Ambassador in Korea

The Soviet Politburo argues that North Korea is not ready to launch a successful overthrow of the South Korean regime and suggests North Korea should concentrate its efforts on developing partisan groups in South Korea.

January 19, 1950

Telegram Shtykov to Vyshinsky on a Luncheon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK

Shtykov reports a meeting with Kim Il Sung, along with Chinese and Korean delegates. Kim Il Sung expresses his view on the prospect of a liberation of the South Korean people that is to follow the Chinese success in liberation. Kim expresses his view that the South Koreans support his cause for reunification which the South Korean government does not seem to purse, and that he desires to ask Stalin for permission on an offensive action on South Korea.

January 30, 1950

Telegram from Stalin to Shtykov

Stalin asks Shtykov to relay a message to Kim Il Sung about North Korea's proposed offensive against South Korea and Soviet Union's request for lead from North Korea.

June 17, 1953

Secret Radio Telegram from Vladimir Semyonov Providing Situation Report to Vyacheslav Molotov and Nikolai Bulganin

Semyonov gave an account of the happenings on the morning of 17 June 1953 in East Berlin and the GDR emphasizing that the most serious situation was in the city of Goerlitz on the German-Polish border where some 30,000 destroyed SED offices, the prison, and the buildings of the security service and district committee.

April 20, 1965

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to China S. V. Chervonenko and Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai on 13 April 1965 (excerpt)

Zhou Enlai, in a conversation with Soviet Ambassador to the PRC, S. V. Chervonenko, draws parallels between the Algerian War for independence and the struggle of the Vietnamese people. Zhou Enlai recounts his conversation with Algerian leader Ben Bella about the Vietnam War.

October 30, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov and Ambassador to the UN Zorin to USSR Foreign Minstry (1)

Thoughts and opinions from Kuznetsov and Zorin regarding Cuba: namely the possibility of US invasion, U Thant’s intention to talk with Castro, a UN proposal to the US for a framework to end the blockade and the make-up of a UN presence in Cuba.

October 30, 1962

Telegram from Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov to Soviet Foreign Ministry (1) on the second meeting with U Thant on October 29, 1962

Kuznetsov sends the results of a meeting with U Thant, regarding the dismantling of weapons in Cuba.

October 30, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov to USSR Foreign Ministry (2) on the meeting with the UN delegate from Cuba

Kuznetsov sends the results of a meeting between himself and the Cuban Delegate to the UN, Garcia-Inchaustegui.
