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November 17, 1950

Ciphered telegram, Zhou Enlai to Filippov [Stalin]

Request from Zhou Enlai to Stalin for the rapid transfer of automobiles from Soviet forces on the Liaodong Peninsula rather than the Chinese rear.

July 5, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 3172, Stalin to Zhou Enlai via Roshchin

A telegram from Stalin to Zhou Enlai with regards to India's mediation in the PRC's entry into the UN, Chinese troop movements in preparation for a possible Southern/Allied counterattack, and Soviet planes flying over Manchuria.

July 25, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 13645 from Vyshinsky to Roschin

Telegram relaying message from Stalin to Mao and Zhou Enlai agreeing with proposal to train Chinese pilots on Soviet jet planes.

January 16, 1951

Telegram from Mao Zedong to I.V. Stalin, transmitting 14 January 1951 Message from Mao to Peng Dehuai with Message from Kim Il Sung

Mao asks Stalin on his opinion regarding the incorporation of Korean troops into the Chinese army, as well as the possible response of the enemy.

September 16, 1952

Hand delivered note, Zhou Enlai to Stalin, conveying telegram From Mao Zedong to Zhou Enlai

Mao, via Zhou Enlai, informs Stalin of the position China means to take the discussion of the Korean question at the UN. Mao also asks Stalin’s advise about whether or not to sign non-aggression pacts with India and Burma.

October 1, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai (via Roshchin)

Telegram from Stalin to Mao and Zhou Enlai asking that they consider moving 5-6 divisions of Chinese volunteers to the China-DPRK border in order to give the North Koreans cover under which to reorganize their troops. Stalin explicitly states that he will not mention this idea to the North Koreans.

April 13, 1949

Ciphered Telegram No. 53517 from Kovalev to Filippov [Stalin]

Kovalev reports to Filippov (Stalin) about the conversation Kovalev had with Mao, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, and several members of the CCP Politburo. The topics discussed include an appraisal of the work and decisions of the second plenum of the CCP CC, the Soviet loan to China, the military situation in China, the city of Shanghai, and the peace talks between the CCP and Guomindang representatives.
