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December 15, 1955

Record of a Conversation between Soviet Embassy Counselor Petrov and former Editor of the Journal 'Novaya Koreya' Song Jin-hwa

Song Jin-hwa informs Petrov that he has officially been expelled from the KWP and has lost his position as editor of the journal “Novaya Koreya” [New Korea]. Song lists several reasons for his expulsion, and asks if as a Soviet citizen, he could be allowed to return to the USSR.

February 21, 1956

Record of a Conversation between Soviet Embassy Counsellor S. Filatov and DPRK Vice Premier Pak Ui-wan

Pak tells Filatov that he does not fully agree with the KWP CC Presidium decision regarding Pak Chang-ok because the Presidium's failure to cite specific evidence. Pak Ui-wan says that he spoke well of Pak Chang-ok in a recent meeting with Kim Il Sung.

April 23, 1956

Record of a Speech delivered by Kim Il Sung at the Third Congress of the Korean Workers' Party

Kim Il Sung draws on Khrushchev's speech at the 20th Congress of the CPSU in his own speech at the Third Congress of the Korean Workers' Party, and speaks to the successes of the Three-Year Plan and discusses the implementation of a similar Five-Year Plan.

April 30, 1956

Record of the Third Congress of the Korean Workers' Party by L.I. Brezhnev

Brezhnev reports on the Third Congress of the Korean Workers' Party and concludes that there is a misunderstanding of the 20th Congress of the CPSU in North Korea. Brezhnev also mentions a meeting that took place, at Kim Il Sung's request, with the CPSU delegation that was present at the Third Congress.

September 3, 1956

Letter from Ri Sang-jo to N.S. Khrushchev

Ri Sang-jo urges Khrushchev to send a Sino-Soviet delegation to intervene in the aftermath of the August KWP CC Plenum.

October 22, 1956

Letter from DPRK Ambassador to the USSR Ri Sang-jo to Kim Il Sung

Ri expresses strong disapproval of the accusations brought against certain party members, including himself. He asks that he be removed from the Korean Workers' Party and presents his own accusations against Kim of embezzling state funds.

August 15, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 August 1960

Puzanov presents at the 15th anniversary of the liberation of Korea celebration. Kim Il Sung makes a congratulatory message on the event and expresses his gratitude for Khrushchev's planned visit to Pyongyang.

April 13, 1955

Record of a Conversation with Illarion Dmitriyevich Pak, Chairman of the Jagang Provincial People's Committee

Pak discusses the domestic political situation of the DPRK, in which a culture of servility toward Kim Il Sung pervades the political atmosphere and great pressure is placed the on peasants as a result of new agricultural policies.

April 9, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 9 April 1957

During his conversation with Puzanov, Kim Il Sung discusses the five-year plan to develop the DPRK's economy, the KWP's efforts to improve the standard of living for the North Korean people, factionalism and the eventual consolidation of KWP members under the official party line, Stalin's cult of personality, and problems in the North Korean judiciary.


Soviet Report on Communists in Korea, 1945

Soviet officers provide a sketch of the existing communist movement in northern and southern Korea in 1945 and suggest that Kim Il Sung should be a leading candidate to head the Korean government.
