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April 29, 1971

Information #310 KGB on PGU KGB View on a Proposal of a Warsaw Pact Intelligence Services Meeting

June 2007

The KGB vs. Vatican City. Folder 29. The Chekist Anthology.

In this entry Mitrokhin describes the history of chilly diplomatic relations between the KGB and Vatican City from the 1960s through the mid 1980s.

January 23, 1973

Letter from Marshall Ivan Ignatyevich Yakubovsky to Todor Zhivkov

A letter accompanying the official 1972 Warsaw Pact Report.

December 8, 1978

Cooperative plan between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the KGB of the Soviet Union from the summer of 1979-1981

The parties agree to assist one another in the collection of intelligence information on political, economic, scientific and technical matters and exchange information on suspicious contacts of Czechoslovak and Soviet citizens suspected to be spies or subversive. Both agree to the exchange of counter-intelligence regarding Czechoslovak and Soviet citizens working in scientific organizations and international exhibitions, fairs and congresses. Steps are outlined to protect railroad cargo using troops from Warsaw Pact states, prevent eavesdropping of telecommunications and detect and prevent foreign terrorist attacks on Czechoslovak and Soviet airplanes and anti-socialist interruption of international trucking lines. Special mention is made of multiple international transportation organizations that need to be monitored. Information-sharing procedures are agreed to for commercial and industrial firms, banks, scientific centers and international scientific organizations.

March 22, 1979

Protocol on cooperation between the Interior Ministries of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union for the year 1979

The two parties agree to worker, including Interior Ministry officials and university students, exchanges in the field of academia, law, politics, criminal investigation, fire-fighting, engineering, external relations, science and public safety. Provisions are made of the exchange of documents relating to criminology, public safety, the Soviet military, politics and fire-fighting techniques. Both parties agree to exchange information on thefts of shipments, detection and prevention of anti-state activity in border regions and the protection of public order.

December 5, 1979

Agreement between the Czechoslovak and Soviet interior ministries on the processing of the educational text "Socialist Pedagogy" for the Czechoslovak College of National Security

This agreement concerns the editing and publication process for the instructional material "Socialist Pedagogy," which is to be taught to pupils of the Czechoslovak College of National Security. Utilization and distribution of the document is discussed and a list of topics to be addressed in the document is included. The teaching material is to focus on preventative educational measures of the Czechoslovak National Security forces, mainly teaching Socialism and Communism. An example of a chart to fill in according to the editing process is included.

February 28, 1980

Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministries of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union for the year 1980

The two parties agree to exchange workers in the areas of fire prevention in nuclear power plants, the study of theft of imports at border crossings and education in national security. The two interior ministries pledge to consult each other on security in border regions and exchange publications regarding public security, fire-fighting, Czechoslovak criminology methods and the Soviet military- which are listed by name and number of copies.


Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Interior Ministry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for 1981

This document outlines plans for employee exchanges in the areas of: research, criminology, fire prevention, hospital management, political education and state security police. Both parties decide to exchange publications on security, criminology, subversive activities in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, fire prevention and the Soviet military, all designated by title and number of copies.

October 23, 1981

Cooperative Agreement between the Interior Ministry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet KGB for the summer of 1981 - 1985

The two parties consent to assist each other in the surveillance of goods going between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union, letters going between the two countries and from them to capitalist countries, correspondence sent from Czechoslovak or Soviet citizens to people who recently arrived from capitalist countries, the mailing of anti-socialist materials sent through the two nations and mail involving anti-socialist propaganda sent to either country from capitalist countries. Both parties also agree to exchange information on ways subversives use the post to their advantage and how each country’s officials monitor post suspected of containing ideologically injurious material.

November 2, 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 2 November 1956

The CPSU CC Presidium is confronted with reports from Hungary of mass demonstrations, armed counterrevolutionary groups, and the support for Nagy by the opposition. The CC is told about the Hungarian decision to declare neutrality and the likely confrontation between Soviet and Hungarian troops should the former continue to advance toward Budapest. Also discussed is the split within the HWP and possible Soviet responses.
