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January 7, 1969

Y.D. Fadeev, First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in North Korea, 'Korean-Chinese Relations in the Second Half of 1968 (Memo)'

The document examines Sino-Korean relations by analyzing international relations with US and Japan, describing how the ideology of Mao affects the relationship, and discussing trade relations and military relations.

December 8, 1972

A. Putintsev and V. Gorovoy, 'Key Aspects of Korean-Chinese relations in 1972'

A letter from the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang reviewing developments in Sino-North Korean relations in 1972, including the effects of China’s anti-Soviet campaigns and Beijing’s seeking of closer ties with the US and Japan.

September 26, 1956

Telegram from Ponomarev to the CPSU Central Committee

Peng Dehuai informs the Soviet delegation that the DPRK has not published the results of the Korean Workers' Party Central Committee Pllenum as promised. Peng suggests that if the DPRK fails to publish the resolutions, another joint delegation should be sent to Pyongyang.

August 13, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 13 August 1960

Puzanov and Pak Geum-cheol discuss Soviet-North Korean relations and the ongoing Sino-Soviet split.

July 31, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 31 July 1960

In a conversation with Puzanov, Pang Hak-se expresses gratitude for the enormous aid from the Soviet Government, reports a small sea engagement with the South Korea, explains aftermath of Kim Il Sung’s visit to Moscow, and distinguish Pro-china faction members within the North Korea political community.

June 15, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 June 1960

Khrushchev gives Kim Il Sung a copy of Mao Zedong's statements stemming from the 1956 August Incident and the joint Sino-Soviet intervention.

June 12, 1960

The Economic and Political Situation of the DPRK

The memorandum elaborates on the rapid economic growth and development in domestic policies in the DPRK after the Korean War.

April 6, 1955

The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea

Suzdalev comments on the problems with a KWP CC document, "The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea".


The Main Issues for the Conversation with the Korean Comrades

A Soviet memorandum containing recommendations for North Korea's political and economic development as well as foreign policy.

November 13, 1957

From the Journal of A. M. Puzanov, Record of a Conversation with Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung describes a recent meeting with Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai's "interference in the internal affairs" of the KWP, and his invitation for Mao to visit the DPRK, among other topics.
