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October 24, 1962

Report to CPSU Central Committee From Defense Minister Rodion Malinovskii and A. Epishev

The response from the Soviet Army following the announcement of the Soviet government about the aggressive actions of the US toward Cuba.

November 2, 1962

Cable of V.V. Kuznetsov on 1 November 1962 conversation between CPSU CC Politburo Member A.I. Mikoyan and acting UN Secretary General U Thant

Kuznetsov relays the results of a conversation between Mikoyan and U Thant. The bulk of the conversation between the two concerns U Thant’s recent visit to Cuba and his conversation with Castro. Mikoyan stresses lifting the quarantine around Cuba.

November 2, 1962

Telegram from A.I. Mikoyan to CC CPSU re 1 November 1962 meeting with Stevenson

Mikoyan discusses the results of a meeting with Stevenson. The two discussed the quarantine in Cuba, the dismantling of weapons, the possibility of the Soviets and Americans coming to agreements over the issues to be discussed by the UN Security Council and the possibility of normalization of relations with Cuba in the future.

November 2, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.I. Alekseev to USSR Foreign Ministry

Alekseev discusses the response of Castro and Dorticos to certain documents.

November 2, 1962

Telegram from USSR Foreign Minster A. Gromyko to unidentified recipient

The U.S. allows Soviet ships to arrive at Cuba for the hastening of the removal process.

November 2, 1962

Telegram from A.I. Mikoyan in New York to CC CPSU (2)

Mikoyan discusses a meeting with McCloy and Stevenson where the two say that they approve of lifting the blockade for Soviet ships in order to speed up the removal process.

November 2, 1962

Telegram from A.I. Mikoyan in New York to CC CPSU (1)

Mikoyan discusses statements made by McCloy concerning dismantling of weapons and U.S. flyovers in Cuba.

November 3, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister V.V. Kuznetsov and Ambassador to the UN V.A. Zorin to USSR Foreign Ministry

The number and location of U.S. ships, along with International Red Cross and UN observers, in and around Cuba.

November 4, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.I. Alekseev to USSR Foreign Ministry

Alekseev sends the results of a meeting with Cuban leadership, the Cubans were expressing discontent because of the fact that Soviet government had not consulted them on a number of issues.

November 4, 1962

Telegram from USSR Foreign Minister Gromyko to Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov and Ambassador to the UN Zorin in New York

Gromyko sends instructions to Kuznetsov and Zorin to relay to Stevenson concerning the definition of “offensive weaponry.”
