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September 26, 1956

Telegram from Ponomarev to the CPSU Central Committee

Peng Dehuai informs the Soviet delegation that the DPRK has not published the results of the Korean Workers' Party Central Committee Pllenum as promised. Peng suggests that if the DPRK fails to publish the resolutions, another joint delegation should be sent to Pyongyang.

April 30, 1956

Record of the Third Congress of the Korean Workers' Party by L.I. Brezhnev

Brezhnev reports on the Third Congress of the Korean Workers' Party and concludes that there is a misunderstanding of the 20th Congress of the CPSU in North Korea. Brezhnev also mentions a meeting that took place, at Kim Il Sung's request, with the CPSU delegation that was present at the Third Congress.

September 19, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 19 September 1960

Nam Il shows his gratitude on the DPRK construction delegation member's stay in the Soviet Union and informs KWP CC position in the conference of the ministers of railways of the socialist countries.

September 7, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 7 September 1960

Puzanov and Kim Il Sung review their positions on the Korean issue at the 15th UN General Assembly Session. Kim Il Sung also reports on his industrial inspection of South Hamgyong Province.

August 13, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 13 August 1960

Puzanov and Pak Geum-cheol discuss Soviet-North Korean relations and the ongoing Sino-Soviet split.

April 6, 1955

The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea

Suzdalev comments on the problems with a KWP CC document, "The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea".

August 29, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with Pak Ui-wan

Pak Ui-wan discusses Kim Il Sung's draft report on his visit to the Soviet Union, the economic situation of the DPRK, party and government measures for the Five-Year Plan, the intra-party situation and the tasks of the Korean Worker's Party. During the conversation, Kim Du-bong notes his concerns over the personality cult, the shortcomings in the work of the Central Committee, and the serious economic situation in DPRK.

March 5, 1956

Remarks on the Draft Statutes of the KWP

Suggestions for improvements in the wording of the DPRK's constitution.


A Few Questions about the Details of the Worker's Party of Korea

A detailed description of the economic progress of North Korea from before the war to after the war, the successes of the first five year plan including the growth statistics in areas such as electric power, coal, steel, cement, and fertilizer. The inner politics of the party is discussed, mentioning the growth of the party since the war, the demographic of the party (workers, peasants, white collar workers, and an ‘other’ section). Statistics of growth throughout the years with a section on non-card carrying members and what prevents them from being members. There is a section discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the union of the country and a promise of a better life given to the citizens living in the American-occupied south. The question section at the end that invokes elaboration on many of these topics.
