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Report on the Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Eastern Europe

This report lists the quantities of troops and pieces of military equipment that were being withdrawn from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the GDR, and Poland. It also details alternate timelines for withdrawal proposed by leadership in Central and Eastern Europe.

March 25, 1989

Letter to Gorbachev from Shevardnadze, Yazov, and Kamentsev on Obligations for Military Assistance

In this letter, Shevardnadze, Yazov, and Kamentsev discuss the Soviet Union's obligations to provide military assistance to their treaty partners, and the differences between treaties.

June 23, 1989

CPSU Central Committee, 'On a Conception of Military Cooperation with Foreign (Non-Socialist) Countries'

An introductory note to the CPSU Central Committee Resolution on military cooperation with non-Socialist countries.


Information on the Order of Implementing Military Technical Cooperation of the USSR with Foreign Countries

List of responsibilities allocated to the USSR Council of Ministers, CPSU Central Committee, Ministry of Foreign Economic Connections, and other relevant ministries on issues relating to the implementation of military technical cooperation between the USSR and foreign countries.

October 16, 1986

Statute on the Inter-Governmental Commission to Coordinate the Work of the PRB, HPR, GDR, PPR, USSR, and CSSR on Export Control on a Multi-Party Basis

This statute creates an inter-governmental commission aimed at coordinating the efforts of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the Hungarian People’s Republic, the German Democratic Republic, the Polish People’s Republic, the USSR, and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to prevent exports that might be used by capitalist or developing countries to reach their military or economic potentials.

October 26, 1946

Answers to the Questions of Mr. H. Bailey, President of the American Agency 'United Press'

In an interview, Stalin discusses the political developments in Europe and the Soviet Union and the threat of conflict with the West. Particular emphasis is paid to Germany and Eastern Europe.

July 13, 1950

Cable No. 3355, Filippov [Stalin] to the Soviet Ambassador, Peking

Stalin tells Mao that the British have been pressuring the Soviets to help for the North Koreans to withdraw to the 38th peril, and the Soviets are offended by this, and to want to insist on Soviet and PRC participation in the Security Council to resolve the issue. He also informs Mao of his willingness to send more planes, and more pilots to help train Chinese forces.

October 4, 1936

Letter from Sheng Shicai to Cde. V. M. Molotov

Governor Shicai Sheng of Xinjiang praises the Soviet Union and expresses gratitude to Cde. V. M. Molotov for the "moral and material friendly aid" Xinjiang has received from the Soviet Union while expressing regret that he will be unable to accompany Apresov, the Consul General in Urumqi, on his visit to the Soviet Union.

April 19, 1941

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Politburo issued 5.25 million rubles to support the NKO's operations in the Mongolian People's Republic and Xinjiang, the independent NKVD rifle battalion in Xinjiang, and the topographic detachment in Xinjiang until the end of 1941.

February 7, 1936

Concerning Negotiations with Ma Zhongying of the 36th Devision of the National Revolutionary Army

The Politburo accepts Ma Zhongying's proposal and recommends that the Urumqi government agree to appropriate concessions in peace talks with the 36th Division.
