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December 24, 1949

Report, Kovalev to Stalin

Kovalev discusses seceral questions on the policy and pratice of the CCP CC. Topics include: data on the economic situation in the country, the Chinese working class, the Chinese peasantry and the land reform, the CCP, the Chinese press, the Chinese state apparatus, the Chinese army, the Chinese intelligentsia, the Chinese attitude toward the national bourgeoisie, the Chinese attitude toward foreign capital, the class struggle in China, and Chinese foreign policy.

February 9, 1979

Mongolian Record of Conversation with Soviet Officials in Moscow, February 1979

Discusses the cancellation of the alliance treaty between China and the Soviet Union, and the impact this will have on the Mongolian People’s Republic. They are urged not to hurry the cancellation of the treaty, however, because China has not yet explicitly asked for it. They also note that there are anti-Soviet propaganda items being spread in Korea, and the growing role the U.S. is playing in Chinese affairs.

February 1, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Zhou Enlai

Anastas and Zhou Enlai discuss Muslims in China, Chinese policy in inner Mongolia, the Guomindang navy, Guomindang forces, characteristics of Guomindang leaders, PLA arms, PLA military requests, PLA intelligence, and the organization of the war ministry. (Evening)

February 5, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong discuss the role of foreign capital in China, Chinese intelligentsia, the role of criticism and self-criticism in the CCP, CCP tasks in the army, the level of China's industrial development, the Chinese attitude toward foreign property, and the road and character of the Chinese revolution. (Day)

November 16, 1981

Sino-Soviet Trade, 1981

Mongolian embassy official and Deputy Head of the USSR MFA meet to discuss Sino-Soviet relations. The latter notes that the Chinese have not had a change in their attitude or policy, so no positive changes can be expected. Issues related to trade, both physical, technical and scientific, are discussed.

June 8, 1982

The State of Foreign Policy

Discusses issues related to upholding Sino-Soviet relations, to maintaining an active foreign policy with socialist and capitalist countries, and touching on issues related to various socialist countries at the time.

October 1, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai (via Roshchin)

Telegram from Stalin to Mao and Zhou Enlai asking that they consider moving 5-6 divisions of Chinese volunteers to the China-DPRK border in order to give the North Koreans cover under which to reorganize their troops. Stalin explicitly states that he will not mention this idea to the North Koreans.

February 6, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong discuss Outer Mongolia, the Sino-Soviet treaty, the situation of the national minorities in China, the economic policy of the CCP, the structure of state power, the head of the Chinese government, the "new situation" and the cadres, the Soviet loan to China, the CCP CC plans for February-March, and the youth movement.

April 19, 1949

Telegram No.1828 from Filippov [Stalin] to Kovalev

Filippov (Stalin) gives his advice on whether or not China should refuse relations, loans, and trade with capitalist states. Stalin also discusses the Soviet loan to China. Kovalev is to relay this to Mao.

May 23, 1949

Cable, Kovalev to Stalin, Report on the 22 May 1949 CCP CC Politburo Discussion

Kovalev reports to Stalin on the politburo meeting. the discussion concerned the economic situation in China, the military situation in China, and a previous conversation between Mao and American ambassador John Leighton Stuart.
