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April 19, 1937

Concerning Actions to be Taken Against the Command of the 6th Division of the NRA

Noting that the command staff of the 6th Division of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army is hostile to the Urumqi government, the Politburo orders that the units be disarmed and the command staff arrested. The Politburo also orders that a group of energetic Chinese and Uighurs from Kashgar be sent to organize a government in Yarkant.

June 17, 1936

Concerning Soviet Trade with Xinjiang

The Politburo reduces the import plan for Xinjiang after a cattle plague and poor cotton harvest, while ordering the export plans to remain at their current level.

July 16, 1935

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 42 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Politburo orders an increase in the number of Soviet trade officials in Kumul and Aksu.

October 3, 1935

Concerning Relations with the 36th Division (National Revolutionary Army)

The Politburo orders the NKVD to seek, with the cooperation of Ma Zhongying, commander of the 36th Division of the National Revolutionary Army, the departure of the NRA division commanders most hostile to the Xinjiang government. The Politburo also instructs the NKVT and NKID to commence trade with the 36th Division immediately.

October 1, 1935

Concerning the Sale of Soviet Military Equipment to the Xinjiang Government

The Politburo orders military equipment, including U-2 aircraft, small arms, and clothing, from NKO stocks to be sold to the Xinjiang government.

September 13, 1935

Politburo Decisions of 13 September 1935 Concerning Xinjiang

The Politburo directs manpower and funds to support the Xinjiang army and accepts the text of an agreement between the Mongolian People's Republic and Manchukuo on the issue of a border commission.

September 10, 1947

Telegram from Cde. Fedotov to Cde. V.M. Molotov

Cde. Fedotov suggests that General-Major Vladimir Stepanovich Yegnarov be dispatched to Xinjiang to led support to the rebels associated with the East Turkestan Republic (ETR).

September 10, 1947

Proposals of the Economic Research Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers in connection with the Situation in Xinjiang

The Soviet Council of Ministers offers four proposals to support the rebels in the East Turkestan Republic (ETR) and prevent the Chinese Guomindang from reclaiming territory in northern Xinjiang.

May 4, 1943

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 40 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The CPSU Central Committee announces that it "cannot tolerate such provocative activity" of Xinjiang Governor Sheng Shicai and that it will provide support to rebels "in their struggle against the repressive colonialist policy of the Governor."

June 26, 1946

Letter from Cde. M. Suslov to Cde. A.A. Zhdanov

Cde. Suslov offers suggestions for Soviet policy toward the rebellion in northern Xinjiang and the East Turkestan Republic (ETR).
