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September 4, 1963

From the Diary of O. T. Darusenkov, Record of a Conversation with Cuban Minister of Industry Ernesto Guevara, 27 August 1963

Guevara discusses Cuban economic development, Chinese anti-Soviet propaganda, a proposed PURS (United Party of the Socialist Revolution) party program, and a training program for Cubans in the Soviet Union.

April 5, 1963

From the Diary of A. I. Alekseyev, Record of a Conversation with Cuban Minister of Industry Ernesto Guevara, 25 February 1963

Alekseyev and Guevera discuss Soviet and Cuban foreign and economic relations, and trip to the Soviet Union proposed by N.S. Khrushchev.

April 3, 1963

From the Diary of N. A. Belous, Record of a Conversation with the Hungarian Ambassador to Cuba Janos Bek, 26 March 1963

Janos Bek presentsthe results of a meeting with a Cuban trade delegation in Budapest, in which trade conditions between Hungary and Cuba are discussed.

March 2, 1963

Letter to a Member of the Leadership of the Argentine Communist Party, Cde. Alcira de la Pena, from Argentine Friends in Cuba

The development and distribution of socialist papers and materials between Cuba, Argentina, and other Latin American countries is discussed.

March 4, 1963

From the Diary of M. A. Popov, Record of a Conversation with the Chairman of Hungarian Radio and Television, Cde. Istvan Tempe, 28 February 1963

A member of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, Istvan Tempe, describes his impressions of Cuba upon his visit for the fourth anniversary of the Cuban revolution. He notes that while the Cuban population has positive opinion of the Soviet Union, their Communist leadership is generally insufficient.

May 24, 1962

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Presidium Protocol No. 32 (continued)

The Presidium decides to adopt Protocol 32.

April 10, 1968

Comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to CPSU CC, 10 April 1968

A comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to the CPSU CC on 10 April 1968 regarding the Soviet Union's relations with Cuba. He says, "We provide all-sided aid to Cuba, including considerable military aid. Thousands of Soviet military specialists, i.e., officers, sergeants, and soldiers, are stationed in Cuba, protecting its security, training its forces. However, all of this does not meet with appropriate recognition on the part of the Cuban leaders."

April 9, 1968

Secret Speech by Leonid I. Brezhnev CPSU CC Plenum, 'About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement'

An excerpt on Cuba from Communist Party of the Soviet Union General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev's secret speech, “About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement,” to the CPSU CC Plenum on 9 April 1968.

June 3, 1961

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Sergey Kudryavtsev and Che Guevara

A record of a conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Sergey Kudryavtsev and Che Guevara, recorded in Kudryavtsev's diary. They discuss the internal and economic situations in Cuba, as well as U.S.-Cuban relations.

April 26, 1961

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Sergey Kudryavtsev and Che Guevara

A record of a conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Sergey Kudryavtsev and Che Guevara, recorded in Kudryavtsev's diary. They discuss the U.S. policy toward the revolutionary government of Cuba. Guevara says that U.S. President Kennedy's recent speech, in which he said the U.S. would not take direct military action in Cuba, was an effort to portray the U.S. in a positive light on the eve of Cuban discussions in the UN, and to ameliorate opinions of the U.S. in other Latin American countries.
