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October 26, 1940

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 21 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Soviet Politburo charges Narkomtsvetmet with concluding a 50 year concession agreement for the right to explore and exploit mineral deposits in Xinjiang and establishes a Directorate of Concessions for Exploration, Prospecting, and Exploitation of the Deposits of Tin in Xinjiang.

March 14, 1940

Concerning the Secret Cipher Unit of the USSR Consulate in Urumqi

The Politburo directs the NKVD to permit the division of the combined secret cipher unit of the USSR Consulate General and Trade Mission in Urumqi into independent secret cipher units.

December 28, 1939

Concerning the NKVD's Monitoring of International Communications

The Politburo describes changes to its existing procedures for monitoring international communications, including requiring the NKVD to monitor all international conversations of foreign embassy officials and journalists, prohibiting private citizens from making international calls, and increasing the NKVD's work to identify illegal radio stations operating within foreign embassies.

January 11, 1939

Concerning the Work of the NKVD Special Departments

The Politburo describes the work of the NKVD Special Departments, which are charged with fighting counterrevolution, espionage, and other anti-Soviet activity in the Red Army, Navy, and NKVD. To accomplish these tasks, the Special Departments organize an apparatus of informers and conduct searches and seizures.

January 10, 1939

Concerning Soviet Troops in Xinjiang

The Politburo transfers Soviet military units deployed in Xinjiang and supervision of the Xinjiang army to the control of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

February 16, 1937

Concerning Soviet Geological Exploration Work in Xinjiang

The Politburo orders that the Special Expedition of the NKTP continue its work in the territory of Xinjiang, namely exploring and mining in the Surtassky deposit and the Ili [Yili] District, through 1937.

September 22, 1937

Concerning Travel of the Civil Air Fleet to Xinjiang

The Politburo orders the Civil Air Fleet to send a transport aircraft to make several trips between Urumqi and Kashgar in coordination with the NKID and NKVD.

June 17, 1936

Concerning Soviet Trade with Xinjiang

The Politburo reduces the import plan for Xinjiang after a cattle plague and poor cotton harvest, while ordering the export plans to remain at their current level.

March 29, 1936

Concerning the Maintenance of Peoples from Xinjiang

The Politburo orders to release of over 1.2 million rubles to the NKVD to support the maintenance of peoples from Xinjiang.

March 17, 1936

Concerning the Special Purpose Geological Expedition in Xinjiang

The Politburo orders the NKTP Special Purpose Geological Expedition in Xinjiang to continue prospecting for tin, tungsten, and molybdenum, allocating rubles and workers to support their efforts.
