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January 26, 1977

Letter, President Carter to Secretary Brezhnev

March 28, 1977

Talks Between A.A.Gromyko and Cyrus Vance

The main topic of discussion was US President Jimmy Carter's "comprehensive" proposals for the SALT-2 Treaty, views that the Soviets saw as contravening the Vladivostok accords reached with US President Gerald Ford in 1974. The Soviet rejection of Carter's initiative was certainly the newsmaking centerpiece of the Vance visit. Other, more positive, discussions covered a wide range of topics, including the Vienna talks on arms limitations in Central Europe, the Middle East, non-proliferation, Cyprus, and others. Below is a brief sampler.

February 2, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Counselor-Minister in Ethiopia S. Sinitsin with Political Counselor of the US Embassy in Ethiopia Herbert Malin

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Counselor-Minister in Ethiopia S. Sinitsin with Political Counselor of the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia Herbert Malin regarding the tense situation in Ethiopia and US and Soviet positions with regards to Ethiopia

October 24, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to the USA Dobrynin to the USSR MFA

Dobrynin relays the results of a meeting with R. Kennedy during which R. Kennedy is outraged at the “deception” of the Soviet Union by putting long-range missiles in Cuba.

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.I. Alekseev to USSR Foreign Ministry

Alekseev transmits that Cuba’s army has mobilized and the subsequent affect on Cuba’s economy because of Kennedy’s recent speech. Cuba waits for the Soviet Union’s opinion on the recent events.

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Soviet delegate to the UN Zorin to USSR Foreign Ministry

Zorin relays the decision to veto the US draft resolution to the UN. Zorin argues that US aggressions against Cuba can merely be regarded as a provocation pushing the world to the verge of nuclear war. He says the Soviet government would introduce a draft resolution that includes a condemnation of the US aggressions, the immediate cessation of the US blockade and infractions of maritime freedom, and an immediate end to intervention in the domestic affairs of Cuba. It would also propose US government to negotiate with Cuba directly.

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Soviet delegate to the United Nations V. A. Zorin to USSR Foreign Ministry

Zorin relays the events of the UN Security Council meeting, transmitting the speeches made by the US and Cuban delegates. US delegate Stevenson tried to justify US actions against Cuba and proposed the American draft resolution. Cuban delegate Inchaustegui demanded the immediate recall of the US measures. Zorin says although some Africa and Asian countries realized the illegality of US actions, however, they were not determined to take any concrete steps. Zorin also sends the proposed draft of a new resolution.

October 25, 1962

Cable from Soviet ambassador to the US Dobrynin to USSR Foreign Ministry (1)

Dobrynin relays that Russian journalist overheard information about a possible US invasion of Cuba at the press club in Washington.

September 27, 1979

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shah-Valih, New York

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shah-Valih, New York regarding the apperant lack of US policy toward Afghanistan. (excerpt)

January 4, 1980

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shad Mohammad Dost, 04 January 1980

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shad Mohammad Dost on how to deal with negative opinions of the DRA by the West.
