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September 15, 1960

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of a Conversation with Raul Castro, Minister of the Armed Forces, 26 August 1960'

Raul Castro expresses gratitude for Soviet support in the wake of American intervention in Cuba and discusses the OAS conference of ministers of foreign affairs in Costa Rica.

February 28, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of a Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 10 February 1962'

Kudryavtsev describes a meeting with Fidel Castro regarding a statement by Kennedy, fallout from the Punta del Este conference, prospects for Latin American revolutionary spirit, and Raul Castro's upcoming trip to the Soviet Union.

February 28, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 3 February 1962'

During a conference to craft the Second Havana Declaration, Kudryavtsev meets with Fidel Castro to discuss Khrushchev's address to the Cuban General National Assembly.

January 27, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 3 January 1962'

Fidel Castro expresses concern regarding US pressure on Latin American countries to isolate Cuba at an upcoming OAS conference.

October 28, 1956

Telegram from the Budapest KGB Station concerning the latest developments in the city following the popular uprising

The KGB station in Budapest reports on the ongoing crisis in Hungary. While some popular forces are considering stopping the fighting, others continue to disarm the state organs. The fighting dies down in Budapest and the Imre Nagy government is gaining legitimacy. American embassy officials were seen evacuating from the embassy.

June 24, 1953

Report from Vasilii Sokolovskii, Vladimir Semyonov, and Pavel Yudin, 'On the Events of 17-19 June 1953 in Berlin and the GDR and Certain Conclusions from these Events'

The authors accuse "fascist and other organizations, working primarily under the leadership of American intelligence," to be responsible for the uprisings in Berlin and other GDR cities. The authors stated that "Adenauer intended to exploit this disenchantment to strengthen his position before the upcoming Bundestag elections in August-September of this year." The CC SED is accused having not paid attention to short-lived strikes in early June. According to the authors "the events in Berlin on 16-19 June were completely unexpected to the leadership of GDR". Finally the authors drew a few conclusions and gave some recommendations "in order to correct the situation in the GDR."

June 2007

The Bukovsky Case 1959-1976. Folder 26. The Chekist Anthology

Vasili Mitrokhin describes the KGB handling of Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky, native of Bembei, Bashkir ASSR. Bukovsky has been under investigation by the KGB since 1959, when he was still in the 10th grade in the Moscow Secondary School No. 59. As a high school student, he authored a journal “Martyr” that contained negative comments about the CPSU. In 1960, he established a youth organization that produced illegal leaflets. Since then, Bukovsky engaged in a number of dissident events and was time and time again warned by the KGB against participating in such activities. Bukovsky continued and in 1963 Miss Stevens, an American citizen, passed to him a copy of a book by Milovan Djilas entitled “The New Class.” Bukovsky proceeded to disseminate it. On 1 June, 1963 criminal charges were pressed against Bukovsky following his arrest. It was decided to enroll him at the psychiatric clinic, the custody was first granted to his parents. Bukovsky continued his anti-Soviet activity and on 5 December 1965 joined protests in defense of Siniavsky and Daniel. He was interned in a psychiatric clinic that month. In the fall of 1966, Bukovsky, Daniel and Gubanov established a youth organization called “Avangard.” In 1967, Bukovsky was arrested once again. At trial, he spoke against Article 70 and 190 of the Constitution, stating they were ambivalent, vague and exploited to persecute political opponents of the CPSU. In 1972, Bukovsky was sentenced and sent to a labor camp. In 1976, he was exchanged for Corvalan, the leader of the Communist Party of Chile.

June 2007

The Telegram "Dogma." Folder 50. The Chekist Anthology

According to Mitrokhin, in 1979 KGB headquarters sent a telegram to its residencies abroad stating that Soviet intelligentsia, the American embassy in Moscow, and foreign correspondents who were accredited to work in the Soviet Union, had been holding anti-soviet activities. The telegram text, which is provided by Mitrokhin in his entry, states that Kopalev, Chukovskaya, Kornilov, Vladimov, and Vojnovich were expelled from the U.S.S.R. Union of Writers for their anti-socialist publications. However, after this incident they started to gain influence among Soviet writers and many anti-soviet materials were published, which led to publication of the almanac “Metropol.” The American embassy assisted the publication by organizing events with influential intelligentsia of the West who inspired Soviet writers in favor of capitalism. Mitrokhin states that KGB officials ordered all residencies to immediately stop these activities. It was planned to publish provocative materials about all Western supporters of the almanac. KGB residencies in the West were in charge of collecting these materials.
