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1971 - 1980 of 3279


September 29, 1944

Letter, Igor V. Kurchatov, Director of the Soviet Nuclear Program, to Lavrenti Beria

In this letter, physicist Igor V. Kurchatov, the scientific director of the Soviet nuclear project, writes to secret police chief Lavrenti Beria, whom Stalin had given principal responsibility for the atomic effort. Prodded by his own scientists and by intelligence reports of the secret Anglo-American atomic enterprise, Stalin had initiated a small-scale Soviet nuclear weapons program in late 1942-early 1943. But the level of support political leaders had given the project failed to satisfy Kurchatov, who pleaded with Beria for additional backing.

April 10, 1968

Comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to CPSU CC, 10 April 1968

A comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to the CPSU CC on 10 April 1968 regarding the Soviet Union's relations with Cuba. He says, "We provide all-sided aid to Cuba, including considerable military aid. Thousands of Soviet military specialists, i.e., officers, sergeants, and soldiers, are stationed in Cuba, protecting its security, training its forces. However, all of this does not meet with appropriate recognition on the part of the Cuban leaders."

April 9, 1968

Secret Speech by Leonid I. Brezhnev CPSU CC Plenum, 'About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement'

An excerpt on Cuba from Communist Party of the Soviet Union General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev's secret speech, “About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement,” to the CPSU CC Plenum on 9 April 1968.

January 17, 1955

Memo about the Situation in the DPRK

A memorandum dated 17 January 1955 about the overall ground situation of North Korea. Topics range from agriculture and industrialization, power output and Kim Il-Sung's Three-Year-Plan to foreign aid from the Communist Bloc, the domestic political situation of North Korea, and inter-Korean relations after the 1950-1953 war. The memorandum concludes with suggestions on Soviet policy in the region.

January 17, 1955

Report from V. Molotov and M. Suslov

A correspondence dated 17 January 1955 between Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov and Mikhail Suslov. The primary topics concern North Korean collectivization of the peasant farms, along with the industrialization process in the immediate aftermath of the Korean War. Also mentioned is the political cohesiveness of the party leadership, which according to the telegram is in doubt.

December 26, 1955

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (A Brief Memorandum)

A memorandum reviewing both Koreas' economic conditions and respective political makeups after the Korean War, and reconstruction efforts and agricultural shortages in North Korea.

December 21, 1955

Concerning the Self-Confession Movement in the DPRK

The letter and memorandum are both addressed to the chief of the Far East Department of the Soviet Foreign Ministry Ivan Kurdyukov. The contents primarily concern the "self-confession" movement in North Korea, which encourages confession to criminal acts against the state. Also covered are finance and accounting in North Korea.

December 20, 1954

Memo from I. Byakov to the Charge d'Affaires of the Soviet Embassy in the DPRK

Byakov and Petrov discuss inter-Korean relations immediately after the Korean War regarding resettlement, relocation of citizens near the demilitarized zones, and declaration of Pyongyang and Kaesong as high-security cities.

May 11, 1955

Report from I. Kurdyukov to V.M. Molotov

Molotov and Kurdyukov discuss political purges under Kim Il Sung, who has established a Stalin-like cult of personality in North Korea and the ongoing relief efforts by various Communist countries to provide food aid to North Korea.

September 30, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 30 September 1957

Puzanov visits the Minister of Internal Affairs to discuss the exchange of delegations. In the evening, he attends the celebration of the PRC's 8th anniversary. During an intermission between artistic performances, Pak Ui-wan informs Puzanov of the issues to be addressed at the KWP CC October Plenum.
