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October 15, 1951

Memorandum of D. F. Ustinov to L. P. Beria on the Use of German Specialists

Summary report on the use of German specialists for Soviet rocket development

July 1, 1993

V. Tolubko, 'Nuclear Weapons, Space Fleet: Decisions Cannot be Delayed'

In a report to the Verkhovna Rada, Tolubko discusses three national security issues. He argues that Ukraine should either develop its own nuclear weapons industry or operate Ukrainian nuclear weapons jointly with Russia. He suggests that Ukraine should try to preserve its status as a space nation and should lease the naval base in Crimea to Russia.

January 26, 1993

Speech by the Head of Delegation of Ukraine Y. I. Kostenko at the Opening of Negotiations with the Russian Federation on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

At the opening of negotiations with Russia on the elimination of nuclear weapons from Ukraine, Kostenko discusses Ukraine's main concerns: ensuring reliable operation and storage of nuclear warheads in Ukraine until their liquidation, maintaining the Armed Forces of the CIS' control over the operation of Ukraine's nuclear arms, and the recognition that all weapons on Ukrainian territory or removed to Russia after independence belong to Ukraine which will determine how and where to safely dismantle them.

June 13, 1989

Second Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and FRG Chancellor Helmut Kohl

Discussion between Gorbachev and FRG Chancellor Kohl regarding arms control and the evolving diplomatic relationship between West Germany and the Soviet Union.

May 11, 1989

CPSU Politburo Discussion of the Memorandum of Six Politburo members on the Situation in the Baltic Republics

Discussion of separatist and nationalist sentiment in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

May 6, 1989

Memorandum of Vadim Zagladin to Gorbachev

Memorandum from Zagladin to Gorbachev on Zagladin's recent trip to Czechoslovakia, in preparation for Gorbachev's upcoming trip there.

April 20, 1989

CPSU Politburo Discussion on the Report of Eduard Shevardnadze Regarding the Use of Violence in Tbilisi

Politburo meeting on the violent crisis in Georgia, based on Eduard Shevardnadze's report regarding the Tbilisi massacre.

April 6, 1989

Record of Negotiations between M.S. Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher, London

Negotiations between Gorbachev and Thatcher on U.S. and British concerns, as well as Britain's cautious optimism, about the Soviet Union's perestroika and glasnost policies.

April 5, 1989

Record of Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher (at the Airport and on the way to the Embassy), London

M.S. Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher discuss global geopolitical issues, particularly growing terrorist organizations across Africa.

April 1, 1989

Report of Vadim Zagladin on his conversation with Chairman of the Czechoslovak Association for U.N., Deputy Chairman of the Committee for European Security, Jan Pudlak

Vadim Zagladin's report of his conversation with Jan Pudlak about Czechoslovakia's political opposition and strife within the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
