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April 9, 1947

Interview with Mr. Stassen and Stalin

Stassen, in his interview with Stalin, discusses ideological differences between the USSR and the US, as well as prospects for cooperation between the two countries.

December 21, 1946

Interview Transcript of Stalin's Interview With Elliot Roosevelt

Roosevelt conducts an interview with Stalin and discusses US-Soviet relations and problems facing the post-war world.

October 26, 1946

Answers to the Questions of Mr. H. Bailey, President of the American Agency 'United Press'

In an interview, Stalin discusses the political developments in Europe and the Soviet Union and the threat of conflict with the West. Particular emphasis is paid to Germany and Eastern Europe.

September 17, 1946

Answers to the Questions Posed by A. Werth, Moscow Correspondent for the Sunday Times

In an interview for the Sunday Times, Stalin discusses his thoughts on foreign policy developments around the world.

June 6, 1946

Record of the Conversation of Comrade I.V. Stalin with Rasmussen, Denmark Minster of Foreign Affairs, and Prince Axel, Chief of the [Danish] Trade Delegation

Stalin, Rasmussen, and Axel discuss the development of Soviet Danish relations. Topics include economic and political exchanges.

January 7, 1946

Record of I.V. Stalin's Conversation with Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria about Implementation of the Decisions of the Moscow Conference of Three Foreign Ministers on Bulgaria

Stalin and Molotov meet with a delegation of Bulgarian communists to discuss ongoing political developments in post-war Bulgaria, mainly dealing with the left opposition.

May 1986

Background Radiation in the Institute of Atomic Research of the Ukr. SSR Academy of Sciences

The paper shows a graph of background radiation levels from April 30th-May 2nd, 1986 within the IAR in Kyiv.

April 1986

Recommendations and Some Information on the Conditions in the Zone of Increased Radiation in the City of Kiev

This document lists the composition of the emissions in the air in Kiev, as well as sanitary and dietary recommendations believed to ease the impacts of radiation.

May 1986

Radiation Conditions in Kyiv, Borodianka, Polesskoe, and Ivankov

This undated report shows levels of radioactivity of air and water in Kyiv, Borodyanka, Polyesskoe, and Ivankov

January 22, 1991

Commission on Questions of the Chernobyl Catastrophe, Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, 'On Some Problems in the Elimination of the Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station'

This report explains ecological and security problems which arose several years later as a result of the Chernobyl accident, as well as areas for improvement in control of the reactor site and medical testing of the local population. Importantly, it also acknowledges that the potential impact zone includes approximately 4.5 million residents of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, which was, at that time, not widely known.
