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January 10, 1946

The Japanese Population in Korea and the Korean Population in Manchuria

A Soviet report on the situation of Japanese in Korea and on the status of Koreans in Manchuria, or Northeast China, after liberation.

December 10, 1945

Malik, 'On the Question of a United Government in Korea'

This document discusses the creation of an independent Korea. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Chiang Kai-shek first presented the idea at the Cairo Conference in 1943. The United States supports the creation of a single Korean state while the USSR opposes it. The document discusses the importance of the answer to the unification question for the Soviet Union's political and economic future as well as its interest in the Far East.

January 20, 1951

Report from P. F. Yudin to I. V. Stalin on Meetings with the Leaders of the Communist Party of China, including Mao Zedong on 31 December 1950

Yudin recounts his meetings with Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and Zhou Enlai. In three meetings, Yudin learned more about China's relations with other communist parties in Asia, economic conditions in China, and developments in the Korean War.


Excerpts from Recollections by the Former Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Aleksandr Kapto

Aleksandr Kapto reflects on the Soviet Union's normalization of relations with South Korea, and the consequential fallout in relations between North Korea and the USSR. According to Kapto, North Korea threatened to develop nuclear weapons and withdraw from the NPT as a result of Soviet-South Korean rapprochement.

September 16, 1956

Cable from Cde. Mikoyan from Beijing concerning the 8th CCP Congress and Conversations with the Chinese Comrades

Mikoyan reports on a conversation with Mao Zedong concerning purges within the Korean Workers' Party and Kim Il Sung's leadership style.

March 15, 1985

Conference of Secretaries of the CC CPSU, Held in the Office of CC CPSU General Secretary Comrade M. S. Gorbachev

Following general Secretary Konstantin Chernenko's death, Soviet officials discuss a Warsaw Pact meeting and conversations with various foreign leaders.

March 14, 1985

Memorandum of Conversation Between M. S. Gorbachev and General Secretary of the CC NDPA [National Democratic Party of Afghanistan], Chairman of the Revolutionary Council of DRA [Democratic Republic of Afghanistan] B. Karmal.

Gorbachev and Chairman Karmal discuss the future of Afghanistan with less intervention from the Soviets.

January 26, 1990

Discussion of the German Question at a Private Meeting in the Office of the CPSU CC General Secretary

In a conversation recorded by Chernyaev, Gorbachev candidly discusses the political situation in East and West Germany, the weakness of the Socialist Unity Party (SED), and the Soviet strategy for managing German reunification.

July 7, 1942

Letter to the Soviet Ambassador in Chongqing

At the instruction of the Soviet government and Cde. Stalin personally, the Soviet ambassador to China is instructed to inform Chiang Kai-shek of the worrying views expressed by Shicai Sheng in his recent letter to Stalin, Voroshilov, and Molotov and present him with the text of Molotov's reply.

July 3, 1942

Letter from Cde. V. M. Molotov to Governor Shicai Sheng

Molotov rejects all the accusations leveled against Cdes. Bakulin, Rakov, and other senior Soviet officials in Governor Sheng's earlier letter as completely unfounded and criticizes his repression of senior figures in the Xinjiang government. Molotov also expresses his belief that "secret agents of an imperialist power hostile to China" have made Sheng their tool.
