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October 1988

Meetings between Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States, 'Reuniones para lograr una solución al conflicto de la región del suroeste de Africa' #4-8

Meetings between delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States about the future of Angola and Namibia: Geneva, 2-5 August 1988; Brazzaville, 24-26 August 1988; Brazzaville 7-9 September 1988; Brazzaville 26-29 September 1988; New York, 6-9 October 1988.

October 6, 1988

Meetings between Angola, Cuba, the United States and South Africa, 'Reunión Cuatripartita Angola/Cuba/EEUU/RSA, Nueva York, Octubre 6-9 de 1988'

Meeting between delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States about the future of Angola and Namibia

July 11, 1988

Carlos Aldana to Fidel Castro

Carlos Aldana headed the Cuban delegation at the 11-13 July 1988, New York meeting between delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States about the future of Angola and Namibia.

June 24, 1988

Meeting between the Delegations of Angola, Cuba and the United States, 'Conversaciones RPA-Cuba EEUU-RSA'

Meeting between delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States about the future of Angola and Namibia.

April 23, 1988

Instructions to the Cuban Delegation for the London Meeting, 'Indicaciones concretas del Comandante en Jefe que guiarán la actuación de la delegación cubana a las conversaciones de Luanda y las negociaciones de Londres (23-4-88)'

Fidel Castro’s instructions for the Cuban delegation to the 3-4 May 1988 London meeting of the delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States to discuss the future of Angola and Namibia.

April 22, 1988

Instructions to the Cuban Delegation for the London Meeting, 'Indicaciones concretas del Comandante en Jefe que guiarán la actuación de la delegación cubana a las conversaciones de Luanda y las negociaciones de Londres (22-4-88)'

Fidel Castro’s instructions for the Cuban delegation to the 3-4 May 1988 London meeting of the delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States to discuss the future of Angola and Namibia.

November 1, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Mexican Foreign Ministry Official and Cuban Diplomat, Mexico City

The Cuban Chargé d’Affairs, Mr. Ramon Sinobas, said that he had instructions from his government to ask the Mexican government for its support in the United Nations, to obtain acceptance of the five points that Prime Minister Castro had just made known.

January 7, 1963

Memorandum from Mexican Delegation, Organization of American States (OAS), Washington, on Informal Remarks by US United Nations Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson

At the request of the United States, the Council of the Organization of American States met, acting provisionally as Organ of Consultation, in a secret session, with the objective of listening to a speech by U.S. United Nations Ambassador Adlai Stevenson in relation to the issue of Cuba.

November 1, 1962

Telegram from Chilean Embassy in Rio de Janeiro (Ruiz Solar)

A telegram from Ruiz Solar (diplomat) describing Brazil and Chile's foreign relations with Cuba in regards to U.S.-Cuban tensions. It covers discussions in the United Nations on the subject and also the "Brazilian mediation" attempt to demilitarize Cuba.

April 9, 1963

Memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security re Cuban Revolutionary Council in Exile

A memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security regarding the recently exiled Cuban Counter-Revolutionary Council's meeting with U.S. President Kennedy in Florida to ask him for greater support of the anti-Castro forces.
