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November 27, 1969

Letter from the Soviet Embassy in Mexico to the General Administration of Ceremonies of the Secretary of Foreign Relations of the United Mexican States

The Soviet embassy in Mexico requests diplomatic identification cards for the Minister-Counselor of the USSR Embassy in Mexico Dmitri A. Diakonov and his wife Veronika Diakonova.

March 15, 1971

Press Release

In this press release, the Mexican Solicitor General describes the criminal activity of the nineteen Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) members arrested for the assault and robbery of a cashier from the Commerce Bank of Morelia at the Three Stars bus terminal. He swears to continue the investigation with the goal of arresting all MAR members as well as others trained in North Korea or recruited from abroad.

May 1971

Some Truths about the M.A.R. (Revolutionary Action Movement)

Seeking to correct press coverage of the arrests of Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) members, the imprisoned members describe their arrests and those of their relatives, highlight tactics of coercion and physical torture used by security forces to extract confessions, and share information on the case that they believe is being misrepresented.

February 28, 1971

Memorandum from Federal Director of Security, Cap. Luís de la Barreda Moreno

Director of Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on the details of Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) member Angel Bravo Cisneros's confession to participating in a robbery at the Three Golden Stars truck terminal, including other MAR members involved in obtaining or hiding the money.

March 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on North Korean training of Mexican guerrillas. He describes how Mexican citizens headed for North Korea were given fraudulent documentation and other assistance from socialist countries and lists the names and pseudonyms of Mexican guerrillas given to him by a member of the Revolutionary Action Movement.

February 6, 1963

Memorandum from the Federal Directory of Security

Mexican Federal Director of Security Manuel Rangel Escamilla reports on representatives of the Soviet Communist Youth's arrival from Moscow, describing the reception they received and providing an overview of their itinerary.

February 21, 1966

Letter Number 149 from the Ambassador of Mexico in Moscow, Jose E. Iturriaga, to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs

The Mexican Ambassador in the Soviet Union reports the names of Mexican students in the USSR. The students in the Soviet Union include members of the Revolutionary Action Movement.

July 4, 1967

A Report from the Mexican Embassy in Havana, 4 July 1967

A visit of Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin from 26-30 June 1967 prompts this report from the Mexican Embassy in Havanna to the Secretary of Foreign Relations in Mexico City. They discuss: the position assumed by the Cuban Government and Communist Party in relation to Latin America, the Middle East and Vietnam, the internal administration of Cuba and the political operation in Cuba.