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October 1, 1977

Talk Given by the Minister [Trần Quốc Hoàn] at the 3rd Investigative Conference [Excerpts]

Trần Quốc Hoàn reviews cases against foreign and domestic spies in the Vietnam Wars.

September 18, 1973

Politburo Sends Letter to COSVN, Region 5, Tri-Thien, Saigon, Hue, and Danang

A letter, presumably written by Le Duan, offers a clarion call for war in the wake of the Paris Peace Accords.

May 25, 1973

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Issues Information Bulletin No. 06/TT 73 on the Le Duc Tho-Kissinger Talks (17 to 22 May 1973)

The COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee report on steps to be taken against the United States.

January 8, 1975

Conclusion of Phase Two of the Politburo Conference (Excerpts)

Excerpts describe the 1975 operations plan laid out by the Politburo, with guidelines on the mission and responsibility of military and political forces on the battlefields of Cochin China.

September 10, 1974

Comrade Le Duan’s Comments After Listening to Comrade Vo Quang Ho’s Briefing on the Draft Plan (Notes Taken by Comrade Ho)

Le Duan's comments on the draft plan presented by Vo Quang Ho, laying out plans to liberate South Vietnam in two years 1975-1976.

August 13, 1974

Politburo Resolution No. 236-NQ/TW

The Politburo issues a resolution addressing Nixon's resignation of the U.S. Presidency and laying out a number of urgent Party tasks.

June 30, 1973

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Guidance on Stepping up Struggle Activities Demanding that the U.S. and the Puppets Implement our Post-Paris Agreement Proposals

Upon submitting a Post-Paris Agreement proposal at the negotiating table with the U.S. and the DRV, the COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee issues an announcement that requests all levels of command and all branches to launch another struggle phase focusing on three urgent issues: ceasefire; exchange of detained civilian personnel; and guaranteeing the right to freedom and democracy.

March 27, 1973

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Lays Out Immediate Missions and A Number of Urgent Tasks After Two Months of Implementing the Paris Agreement

Two months after the Paris Agreement and ceasefire, COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee issues a directive to address the precarious situation among all sides and lay out guidelines on urgent tasks to be carried out.

March 6, 1973

Cable from Nguyen Duy Trinh to the Politburo

Foreign Minister of the DRV Nguyen Duy Trinh sent a cable to the Politburo to report on the meeting of all sides to approve and sign the peace treaty on March 1 and 2.

March 1, 1973

Cable from Nguyen Duy Trinh [Foreign Minister of the DRV] to the Politburo

Foreign Minister of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Duy Trinh sent a cable to the Politburo to report on his private meeting with U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers concerning peace negotiations.
