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October 1, 1977

Talk Given by the Minister [Trần Quốc Hoàn] at the 3rd Investigative Conference [Excerpts]

Trần Quốc Hoàn reviews cases against foreign and domestic spies in the Vietnam Wars.

March 15, 1971

The Minister’s Speech to the Conference Reviewing Fifteen Years of Struggle by the Public Security Service against Reactionaries Who Exploit the Catholic Religion

In 1971, North Vietnam’s Public Security Service (the North Vietnamese equivalent of the former Soviet KGB, known at the time as the Ministry of Interior) held a national conference to review the status of the Service’s efforts targeted against the Vietnamese Catholic Church over the past decade and a half and to formulate plans and policies for its future operations directed against the Church. In this speech given at the opening of the conference, Party Politburo Member and Minister of Public Security General Tran Quoc Hoan [Trần Quốc Hoàn], outlined the successes that he said had been achieved in gaining the sympathy and support of the Catholic “masses” and in combatting what he called “reactionaries exploiting the Catholic religion”.


A Few Opinions Expressed by the Minister on Several Basic Issues during the General Review of the Handling of Cases (Spoken during a Discussion with the Committee to Review the Handling of Cases in 1971) [Excerpt]

VWP Party Politburo Member and Minister of Public Security General Trần Quốc Hoàn's comments about "transforming" the Catholic Church in Vietnam.

October 19, 1974

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Provides Guidance for the Political Struggle in the Cities of South Vietnam for the Final Days of 1974

The COSVN seeks to support the Buddhist and Catholic protest movements in South Vietnam.

September 20, 1974

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Provides Guidance to Shape the Struggle Movement in South Vietnam’s Cities

The COSVN seeks to shape protests led by a Catholic priest against corruption in South Vietnam.

September 18, 1973

Politburo Sends Letter to COSVN, Region 5, Tri-Thien, Saigon, Hue, and Danang

A letter, presumably written by Le Duan, offers a clarion call for war in the wake of the Paris Peace Accords.

March 6, 1974

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Guidance on Strengthening Vietnamese-Cambodian Relations and Combat Solidarity

The COSVN seeks to improve Cambodian-Vietnamese relations in the wake of several "minor clashes over various problems."

January 11, 1974

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Policy of Maintaining Good Relations with Cambodia In the New Situation

The COSVN offers 3 proposals for improving relations with Cambodian revolutionaries.

May 25, 1973

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Issues Information Bulletin No. 06/TT 73 on the Le Duc Tho-Kissinger Talks (17 to 22 May 1973)

The COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee report on steps to be taken against the United States.

August 20, 1975

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Guidance on Categorizing Detained Puppet Soldiers and Puppet Officials and Continuing to Hunt Down Reactionaries

COSVN provides guidance on categorizing and detaining puppet soldiers and officials, after the victory of the resistance war.
