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September 10, 1974

Comrade Le Duan’s Comments After Listening to Comrade Vo Quang Ho’s Briefing on the Draft Plan (Notes Taken by Comrade Ho)

Le Duan's comments on the draft plan presented by Vo Quang Ho, laying out plans to liberate South Vietnam in two years 1975-1976.

August 18, 1974

Cable from the COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee to the Politburo Reporting on the Results of COSVN’s 13th Party Plenum

Cable from the COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee to the Politburo reporting on the results of COSVN’s 13th Party Plenum, including all aspects of the situation since the dissemination of COSVN Resolution 12 and on the implementation of the Central Committee’s Resolution 21.

August 13, 1974

Politburo Resolution No. 236-NQ/TW

The Politburo issues a resolution addressing Nixon's resignation of the U.S. Presidency and laying out a number of urgent Party tasks.

July 28, 1974

COSVN Plenum Number 13 (Expanded) to Review the Situation and to Establish the Revolution’s Guidelines, Directions, Missions, and Requirements for Late 1974 and 1975

After the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the withdrawal of U.S. troops, COSVN holds a full Party conference to agree on its assessment of the situation and to set out directions and missions for late 1974 and 1975

May 4, 1974

Letter from Le Duan to Military Region 6

Letter from Le Duan to Military Region 6 providing guidance on its operations and urgent tasks in the two years 1974-1975.

November 13, 1973

Cable from Comrade Sau Manh [Le Duc Tho] to Comrade Pham Hung and COSVN Headquarters Providing Guidance for Military Struggle Operations in the Cochin China Lowlands, and for Launching a Political and Military Struggle Movement in South Vietnam

Cable from Le Duc Tho to Pham Hung and COSVN Headquarters providing guidance on local military activities in the Cochin China lowlands and plans for a political and military struggle movement in South Vietnam.

October 13, 1973

Resolution of the 21st Plenum of the Party Central Committee, No. 227-NQ/TW (Excerpts)

Resolution of the 21st Plenum of the Party Central Committee detailing the tasks of strengthening socialism and national defense in North Vietnam while continuing the South Vietnam revolution, ensuring strict enforcement of the Paris Agreement.

June 30, 1973

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Guidance on Stepping up Struggle Activities Demanding that the U.S. and the Puppets Implement our Post-Paris Agreement Proposals

Upon submitting a Post-Paris Agreement proposal at the negotiating table with the U.S. and the DRV, the COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee issues an announcement that requests all levels of command and all branches to launch another struggle phase focusing on three urgent issues: ceasefire; exchange of detained civilian personnel; and guaranteeing the right to freedom and democracy.

March 27, 1973

COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee Lays Out Immediate Missions and A Number of Urgent Tasks After Two Months of Implementing the Paris Agreement

Two months after the Paris Agreement and ceasefire, COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee issues a directive to address the precarious situation among all sides and lay out guidelines on urgent tasks to be carried out.

March 9, 1973

Meeting of the COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee to Discuss Policy Guidelines and Struggle Goals of the South Vietnamese Revolution following the Implementation of the Paris Agreement

Summary from a meeting of the COSVN Party Current Affairs Committee held on March 9 and 10, 1973, to discuss the situation in South Vietnam and lay out goals and strategies for the revolution following the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
