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June 28, 1954

Record of the First Meeting between Premier Zhou and Prime Minister U Nu

Zhou Enlai and U Nu first talked about the decision made on the Geneva Conference regarding the armistice in the Korean Peninsula and the role of the US in it. Then they talked about the elements that complicated the Sino-Burmese relations and the need for building mutual trust and signing a non-political agreement. They also discussed the principles they would have in a joint statement before the signing of this potential agreement.

September 4, 1954

Chinese Foreign Ministry Intelligence Department Report on the Asian-African Conference

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reported Indonesia’s intention to hold the Asian-African Conference, its attitude towards the Asian-African Conference, and the possible development of the Conference.

December 15, 1954

Report from the Asia Section, Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'On the Asian-African Conference'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reported that Indonesia’s intention to hold the Asian-African Conference was to establish a neutral, third group to counter the US and the Soviet Union. It also reported the attitudes of the invited countries and the reactions of the Western countries toward the Conference. It concluded that it would be beneficial for China to participate in the Conference and to influence the political situation in the Conference.

December 29, 1954

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Intelligence Department, 'The Agenda of the Five Southeast Asian Countries from the Bogor Conference and the Five Countries’ Attitudes towards China’s Participation in the Afro-Asian Conference '

The agenda of the Bogor Conference was to determine the purposes, timing, and participants of the Asian-African Conference. The five Southeast Asian countries agreed that China and Japan should participate in the Asian-African Conference, but some countries also insisted on the participation of US allies such as Thailand and the Philippines.

December 31, 1954

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'Nehru Hopes that Premier Zhou Can Attend Afro-Asian Conference'

In a reception, Nehru tells Huang Zhen that he hopes that Premier Zhou Enlai can attend the Asian-African Conference.


Report by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Some Existing Issues in and Suggestions for the Asia-Africa Conference'

A Chinese Foreign Ministry report on three sets of issues facing the Asian-African Conference.

January 10, 1955

Cable from Feng Xuan, 'Reaction of Britain, United States, France towards the Kuala Lumpur Five Countries inviting China to attend the Afro-Asian Conference'

The UK responded the decision of inviting China to attend the Asian-African Conference with anger, stating that countries in the Bogor Conference had wrong expectations toward China. The US feared that China would have great influence on the Asian-African Conference and thus weaken US influence in the region. The US and UK also worried that China’s participation would improve China-Japan relations. French press expressed this decision as the evidence of the failure of the US power in Southeast Asia.

January 16, 1955

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Draft of the Tentative Working Plan for Participating in the Asian-African Conference'

The note stated that the Asian-African Conference could be a great contribution in establishing international peace. Among the participants, there were Chinese allies, neutral countries, and American allies. China had to isolate American power in the Conference and befriend the neutral countries. The Chinese Foreign Ministry therefore drafted the plan accordingly.

January 31, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'The Soviet Ambassador Came to Visit and Told Me the Following Issues'

The Soviet ambassador to Indonesia reported that when delegations discussed before the Bogor Conference whether to invite China to the Asian-African Conference, the Indian ambassador opposed because inviting China would cause the Western countries to consider that Indonesia had aligned with one of the two blocs in the world.

March 4, 1955

Cable from Yuan Zhongxin, 'Nehru Inquired about Premier Zhou's Schedule for the Afro-Asian Conference'

Indian prime minister asked Chinese delegation whether Zhou Enlai would participate in the Asian-African Conference. The Chinese delegate gave positive answer but without detailed itinerary.
