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December 15, 1965

Cable from Chinese Ambassador in North Korea Jiao Ruoyu, 'On the Situation of Calling on Vice Premier Kim Il'

Kim Il discusses Sino-North Korean relations, the situation in South Korea, and Japan's position in East Asia with Chinese Ambassador Jiao Ruoyu.

December 23, 1965

Cable from the Foreign Ministry to Ambassador Jiao Ruoyu, 'On Vice Premier Li Xiannian's Visit to North Korea'

The Foreign Ministry briefs Chinese Ambassador to North Korea Jiao Ruoyu on Li Xiannian's impending visit to Pyongyang.

March 21, 1950

Oral Message from Choe Yeong, Charge d'Affaires, North Korean Embassy

Choe Yeong informs the Chinese Foreign Ministry of the upcoming birthday of Pak Heon-yeong, Foreign Minister of the DPRK.

March 7, 1950

Cable from Wen Shizhen to Zhou Enlai, 'On the Issue of Wen Shizhen's Family Returning to China'

Wen Shizhen writes to Premier Zhou Enlai about his family returning to China from North Korea.

October 6, 1949

Premier Zhou Enlai's Note to North Korea on His Willingness to Establish Diplomatic Relations with China

Zhou Enlai writes to North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Hon-yeong and conveys China's desire to establish diplomatic relations with North Korea.

January 23, 1964

Cable from Li Qingquan, 'Talks with Beaumarchais about the Issue of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

Li Qingquan and and Beaumarchais discuss the issue of "two China's" in the normalization of relations between China and France.

January 24, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland, 'Conversation Transcript of the Fourth Talk for the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

Li Qingquan and Jacques de Beaumarchais discuss the process of normalizing relations between China and France.

January 26, 1964

Cable from the Foreign Ministry, 'Forwarding the Central Committee Notice regarding Propaganda Points on Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issues propaganda guidance related to the normalization of relations between China and France.

January 22, 1964

Cable from the Foreign Ministry, 'Please Notify the Governments of the Receiving Countries of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says to inform other countries of the establishment of diplomatic relations with France.

February 17, 1965

Research Materials from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Subunit Concerning Burma’s Political Situation and International Relations Trends, etc.

Materials stating that Ne Win's government favored neutrality in foreign relations and avoids interfering in international disputes. Burma wants to develop friendly relations with China and receive financial support from China, while keeping its distance. It opposes American and fears it. It relies on Soviet revisionism while also remaining wary of them.
