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March 23, 1962

Instructions from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Public Security on the Issue of Ethnic Koreans Crossing the Border to Korea

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Public Security explain North Korea's complaints regarding China's inability to effectively prevent illegal border crossings and summarize the Chinese understanding of the issue and specify instructions on resolving the issue of illegal border crossings.

May 10, 1961

Cable, Ministry of Public Security Party Committee to Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Peng Zhen

The Ministry of Public Security briefs Premier Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Peng Zhen on the increase of ethnic Korean residents illegally crossing the border into North Korea.

April 29, 1961

4th Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security to the People’s Armed Police Divisions of the Public Security Department, 'Investigative Report by the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture on the Outflow of Border Residents'

The 4th Bureau of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security distributes an investigative report, conducted by the Public Security Office in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, which cites reasons and proposes solutions for the outflow of border residents into North Korea.

May 1961

Cable, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry Public Security to the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'On the Negotiations with Korea concerning Illegal Border Crossings into Korea by Ethnic Korean Peoples'

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Public Security expresses concern at the growing number of illegal border crossing among ethnic Koreans of Chinese nationality into North Korea.

December 17, 1957

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security, and Central Overseas Chinese Committee, 'Views on Handling the Issue of Ethnic Koreans in the Northeast Illegally Crossing the Border to Korea'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the Chinese Embassy in North Korea and the Public Security Offices in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang Provinces of China and North Korea's policies regarding illegal border crossings.

April 28, 1960

Excerpts of the Memorandum of the Conversation between Mao Zedong and Blas Roca Calderio, the Party Secretary of the Popular Socialist Party of Cuba

A diplomatic conversation between Chairman Mao and Calderio from Cuba. They discuss the China-Cuba relations, economic aid to Cuba and Cuba's relations with other Central American and Latin America countries.

November 18, 1960

Memorandum of the Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Cuban Revolutionary Government Economic Delegation

A discussion of Cuba's economic import/export and production capacities and other factors of the economic situation in Cuba.

November 19, 1960

Memorandum of Conversation between Mao Zedong and Ernesto 'Che' Guevara

A diplomatic meeting of a global communist delegation. Many topics are discussed, including: the domestic situation in Cuba, especially the economic situation (for example: sugar sales); American influence and counter-revolutionaries; and comparison to the domestic situation in other Latin and Central American countries, such as: Peru, Colombia, Brazil, etc.).

November 21, 1960

Memorandum of Conversation between Vice-Chairman Zhou Enlai, Party Secretary of the Cuban Popular Socialist Party Manuel Luzardo, and Member of National Directory Ernesto Che Guevara

A diplomatic conversation covering China-Cuba relations, especially economic situations and the aid China is giving to Cuba.

February 11, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Memorandum of Conversation between China’s Ambassador to Cuba, Shen Jian, and Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro'

A diplomatic meeting between Fidel Castro and Shen Jian (from China) in which they discuss the Cuban revolution, US-Cuban relations and imperialism.
