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October 16, 1959

US State Department Translations, Comunist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, No. P251/14, Documents regarding the application of US national Lee Harvey Oswald for Soviet Citizenship

Lee Harvey Oswald's 1959 application for Soviet citizenship and the Soviet Union's Central Committee recommendations and reports regarding the application.

November 25, 1963

US State Department Translation, Telegram no. 03381 Concerning American Press Reports of Soviet and Cuban Connections to Lee Harvey Oswald

Telegrams from Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Ambassador to The United States, to the CC CPSU on measures to be taken and report on the "slanderous fabrications" in the American press regarding Oswlad's connections with the USSR

November 22, 1963

US State Department Translation, Special No. 1967-1967, Cipher Telegram Concerning Kennedy Assassination

Telegram from Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the United States, describes the immediate events following the Kennedy Assassination. Also discusses the risk of Soviet blame as a result of Lee Harvey Oswald's connection to the USSR.

November 27, 1959

US State Department Translation, Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, no.3471-sh, 'Resolution of the CC CPSU Regarding the Application of US National Lee Harvey Oswald for Soviet Citizenship'

Telegram from Gromyko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, to CC CPSU advising that Lee Harvey Oswald be granted temporary sojourn in the USSR for one year and to provide him employment and housing. The Resolution includes specifics of employment and housing.

November 23, 1963

US State Department Translation, Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, Protocol no. 125 of Meeting of the Presidium, 'On Measure to be take in Connection with the Murder of US President J. F. Kennedy'

Condolence letters/telegrams from Leonid Brezhnev, Nikita Krushchev, and Nina Krushcheva to U.S. President L.B. Johnson and Jacqueline Kennedy conveying the sympathy and grief of the Soviet people

November 30, 1963

Top Secret Cipher Telegram from Anatoly Dobrynin to CPSU Central Committee

Dobrynin reports that he met with US Secretary of State, Rusk, and gave him copies of the Soviet embassy’s correspondence with Lee Harvey Oswald.

November 25, 1963

Top Secret Cipher Telegram from Anastas Mikoyan to CPSU Central Committee

Mikoyan reports his recent conversations with US officials following JFK’s assassination. He reports that it is likely that Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, will likely maintain Kennedy’s policy on US-Soviet foreign relations. US Ambassador Thompson also talks to Mikoyan about US concerns about the Soviet press coverage of the assassination.

December 1982

Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, 'India’s Nuclear Procurement Strategy: Implications for the United States'

This CIA report on India, “India’s Nuclear Procurement Strategy: Implications for the United States,” has comparatively few excisions. It discusses in some detail Indian efforts to support its nuclear power and nuclear weapons development program by circumventing international controls through purchases of sensitive technology on “gray markets.” The report depicts a “growing crisis in the Indian civil nuclear program,” which combined with meeting nuclear weapons development goals, was forcing India to expand imports of nuclear-related supplies. The purchasing activities posed a “direct challenge to longstanding US efforts to work with other supplier nations … for tighter export controls.”


The Korean Government Delegation's Visit to Moscow (Korean Version)

A report on a trip to Moscow made by a Korean government delegation, including information on what the delegation has seen and the conclusion of treaties with the Soviet Union on the economy, culture and technical assistance.

October 10, 1948

Soviet Political, Economic, and Cultural Aid to the DPRK People for the DPRK's Democratic Construction

The Ministry of Culture and Propaganda publishes a pamphlet on the Soviet Union's tremendous assistance to the DPRK and contrasts the Soviet Union with the behavior of the US and Japan.
