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January 21, 1959

Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Draft for Transmission to Various Heads of Government Regarding of A. I. Mikoyan's Conversations with Senior US Government Leaders'

After A.I Mikoyan's trip to the United States and his conversations with senior US government leaders, the USSR MFA submitted a draft of confidential information to be sent to the heads of government of several states. The content of the instructions to be told to the foreign leaders includes discussion of the German problem and Berlin, the problem of disarmament and a halt to nuclear testing, the Near and Middle East, the Far East, and other issues.

October 2, 1980

CPSU CC Politburo Directive to Soviet Ambassadors and Representatives, 'Carrying Out Additional Measures to Counter American-Chinese Military Cooperation'

Instructions to Soviet ambassadors discussing the growing military cooperation between China and the United States.

October 14, 1959

From the Journal of Ambassador S.F. Antonov, Summary of a Conversation with the Chairman of the CC CPC Mao Zedong

October 1959 conversation between Mao Zedong and the Soviet diplomat and sinologist S.F. Antonov, in which Mao attempted to reassure the Soviets that China would not provoke war with the United States or with its Asian neighbors. In his conversation with Antonov, Mao attempts to lessen the impact of China’s displeasure with Soviet policies. He tries hard to show his agreement with Moscow on every issue—the United States, Taiwan, India, Tibet, disarmament.

August 9, 1966

On the Korean War, 1950-1952, and the Armistice Negotiations

A survey of Soviet and Chinese involvement in the Korean War compiled in 1966 by an unidentified members of the staff of the Soviet Foreign Ministry archive. The apparent
purpose of this internal history was to provide background information for the small group of Soviet officials who were at that time engaged in discussions with the People’s Republic of China and North Vietnam over possible Soviet assistance to the Viet Cong in their war with the United States.

June 3, 1959

Report of Conversation with the General Secretary of the CCP CC, Deng Xiaoping

June 8, 1978

Speech by L.I. Brezhnev to CPSU CC Politburo, 08 June 1978

Concerns US-Soviet relations, including involvement in Africa, NATO, China, and SALT.
