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April 15, 1968

Directive Sent to the Soviet Ambassador, Havana

Soviet guidance to its ambassador in Havana on the establishment of a Latin American nuclear free zone. Soviet concerns are voiced about the possibility of the treaty impeding on the transit of nuclear weapons in large areas of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

February 7, 1989

Record from Protocol No. 147 of the Meeting of the Politburo of the CC CPSU, Supplying Arms to Angola

In response to requests from the President of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, the CC CPSU agrees to supply arms which will be sent from the Soviet Union to the Republic of Cuba, and then provided during the withdrawal of Cuban troops from the People’s Republic of Angola.

August 26, 1964

From the Diary of Yu. P. Chestnoy, Record of a Conversation with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Mario Monje, 3 August 1964

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Mario Monje, informs Chestnoy about a recent meeting with Che Guevara, in which they discuss the differences in Chinese Communist leadership policies. Guevara states that if forced to choose between the two sides, Cuban leadership would be on the side of the Soviet Union.

March 4, 1963

From the Diary of M. A. Popov, Record of a Conversation with the Chairman of Hungarian Radio and Television, Cde. Istvan Tempe, 28 February 1963

A member of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, Istvan Tempe, describes his impressions of Cuba upon his visit for the fourth anniversary of the Cuban revolution. He notes that while the Cuban population has positive opinion of the Soviet Union, their Communist leadership is generally insufficient.

May 24, 1962

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Presidium Protocol No. 32 (continued)

The Presidium decides to adopt Protocol 32.

April 9, 1968

Secret Speech by Leonid I. Brezhnev CPSU CC Plenum, 'About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement'

An excerpt on Cuba from Communist Party of the Soviet Union General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev's secret speech, “About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement,” to the CPSU CC Plenum on 9 April 1968.

October 25, 1962

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Presidium Protocol No. 61

In response to President Kennedy's letter protesting the placement of missiles in Cuba, Khrushchev proposes a resolution to the crisis. When the time seemed right he would offer to dismantle the missiles already on the island (the MRBMs or R-12s) if Kennedy pledged not to invade Cuba.

December 3, 1962

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Presidium Protocol 71

Protocol 71 gives details to the immediate fallout of the Cuban Missile Crisis from the Soviet perspective. Thanks to Castro’s so-called Armageddon letter and his five points, by December 1962 (date of this protocol), Khrushchev was calling the Cubans “unreliable allies.”

November 16, 1962

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Presidium Protocol 66

Protocol 66 is the first Malin note dated after the Cuban Missile Crisis, on 11 November. The tone of the protocol indicates that Castro is not pleased with Khrushchev's handling of the crisis, and there is a growing sense of distance between Cuba and the Soviet Union.

October 28, 1962

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Presidium Protocol 63

According to Protocol 63, Khrushchev probably assumed that Kennedy’s patience was at an end and the Cuban Missile Crisis might either be resolved or spin out of control, and the Kremlin again considered how it might respond to a US attack. If anyone suggested a preemptive strike, or even a retaliatory strike, against a target outside of the Caribbean, Malin did not note it for the official record.
