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December 26, 1955

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (A Brief Memorandum)

A memorandum reviewing both Koreas' economic conditions and respective political makeups after the Korean War, and reconstruction efforts and agricultural shortages in North Korea.

August 31, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 31 August 1957

Nam Il reports to Puzanov that the KWP Presidium approved all USSR suggestions on the DPRK's draft five-year plan. They go on to discuss the commissions that exist in the Soviet Union and plans for organizing DPRK commissions. At a luncheon later that day, Kim Il Sung reiterates his gratitude for USSR consultation on DPRK economic development with Puzanov reminding the DPRK of its trade obligations.

August 20, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 20 August 1957

Puzanov visits the construction site of a furniture factory built with USSR aid and comments on its production capacity and shortcomings. He also informs PRC Ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang of Soviet feedback on the DPRK's draft five-year plan and the internal political situation of the KWP leadership.

August 16, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 16 August 1957

Puzanov meets with North Korean leaders at a sporting events in celebration of Korea's liberation, and they discuss friendly sports exchanges between the Soviet Union and DPRK. Kim Il Sung informs Puzanov that the DPRK will revise its draft of the first five-year plan according to Soviet suggestions before the economic delegation goes to China for consultation. Later, the Russian and Bulgarian Embassies host a successful showing of a film, and the Soviets inform the PRC Ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang of Soviet consultations of the DPRK economic plan.

July 16, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 16 July 1957

Puzanov tells the PRC Ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang about the June CPSU CC Plenum decision, which Qiao supports. Then they discuss the timeframe of the Korean delegation's return from Moscow.

May 28, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 28 May 1957

Nam Il and Puzanov object to American efforts to legitimize the military fortification of South Korea by changing Article 13 of the Armistice agreement. Nam Il also requests consultation for the DPRK draft of its first five-year plan. Later, Puzanov meets with PNR Ambassador Siedlecki, who discusses the Neutral Commission's perspective on the US proposal to change the Armistice.

May 22, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 22 May 1957

Puzanov meets with the PRC Ambassador to the DPRK, Qiao Xiaoguang, and tells him about his trip to Hamgyong with Kim Il Sung. Both Ambassadors express respect for the hard work of the Korean people, acknowledge the shortcomings of the DPRK economy, and discuss the movement to regulate the work style of the Korean people. Qiang is unwilling to discuss intra-Party aspects of the KWP, but he agrees to continue exchanging information with Puzanov in the future.

May 20, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 20 May 1957

Nam Il and Puzanov discuss plans for the construction of a permanent railroad bridge in North Korea, the progress of the draft five-year plan for the DPRK economy, the impending arrival of a Soviet parliamentary delegation to the DPRK, and the construction of the Soviet Embassy in North Korea.

April 10, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 10 April 1957

Puzanov notes his protocol visits to other foreign representatives in North Korea. He relays his understanding of the DPRK's five-year plan to the Ambassador of China, Qiao Xiaoguang. Later, Puzanov summarizes Pak Jeong-ae's explanation of the need for increased vigilance against South Korea as well as news of an upcoming conference of women.

March 7, 1967

The DPRK Attitude Toward the So-called 'Cultural Revolution' in China

The Soviet Embassy reports on the deterioration of Chinese-North Korean relations as a result of the Cultural Revolution in China.
