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January 27, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro Ruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, 3 January 1962'

Fidel Castro expresses concern regarding US pressure on Latin American countries to isolate Cuba at an upcoming OAS conference.

December 10, 1945

Malik, 'On the Question of a United Government in Korea'

This document discusses the creation of an independent Korea. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Chiang Kai-shek first presented the idea at the Cairo Conference in 1943. The United States supports the creation of a single Korean state while the USSR opposes it. The document discusses the importance of the answer to the unification question for the Soviet Union's political and economic future as well as its interest in the Far East.

October 11, 1956

I. Tugarinov to Cde. B.N. Ponomarev, ‘Concentering the Situation on Taiwan (Memorandum)’

February 26, 1977

From the Journal of  A. F. Dobrynin, Record of Conversation with US Secretary of State C. Vance

Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin met with US Secretary of State Vance and requested that he pass on a letter to President Carter from Brezhnev. The letter addressed finding a realistic approach to nuclear disarmament and the previous agreement in Vladivostok.

November 12, 1975

Record of Conversation With US Attaché In the USSR Jack Matlock

US Attaché in the Soviet Union Jack Matlock was invited to discuss the Final Act of the European Conference in Helsinki. The Soviet Union publicized the text of the Final Act and faulted the United States for not doing the same. Looking at the principles of the Final Act, which the Soviet Union believes to be the bases for interstate relations in Europe, the government determined that radio stations such as "Liberty," "Free Europe," and "Voice of America" are not compatible with the goals and provisions. The Soviet government would like to improve relations with American journalists by first quickening the visa process and hope that the US would do the same for Soviet journalists.

December 26, 1961

Soviet Foreign Ministry, Information on the Situation in South Vietnam

Report details the events and causes of the situation in 1961 in South Vietnam from the struggle after the Geneva Agreements to the government of Ngo Dinh Diem including the United States' involvement and underground revolutionary groups.

December 29, 1954

Telegram #982 from K. Novikov to V. M. Molotov

Telegram discussing statements of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Pham Van Dong, regarding critique of Ngo Din Diem.

May 19, 1955

Molotov to CC CPSU on United States and French Relations in South Vietnam

V. Molotov reports to CC CPSU on American undermining of France in Vietnam. He believes that the situation should be used to promote unification and that American policies are not properly exposed.

May 18, 1955

Draft Telegram to Hanoi Soviet Ambassador on Instructions for Meeting with Ho Chi Minh

Telegram to the Soviet Ambassador in Hanoi with instructions to meet with Ho Chi Minh about discussion between Yudin and Bibrovski. The Ambassador is to discuss the situation in South Vietnam and to ask if assistance is required.

May 25, 1956

Telegram on Record of April 1956 Conversation with Nguen Zui Chin

Record of Nguen Zui Chin's discussion with USSR Ambassador M. V. Zimyanin and Sokolov about the meeting of the IXth CC PTV Plenum, whose goal was to review resolutions of the USSR XXth CPSU Congress. The Plenum discussed a range of topics including American involvement in South Vietnam, the cult of personality and propaganda, foreign policy, the sixth five-year plan of the USSR, economic and cultural development, strengthening the Party, peoples' assemblies, and Party leadership. Chin also detailed streamlining party organizations.
