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December 16, 1951

VKP(b) CC Politburo to Vyshinsky

A directive from the Politburo, instructing Vyshinsky on voting strategies for a UN draft resolution regarding nuclear armaments control. Vyshinsky is to vote against the draft of the three powers unless India proposes transferring the draft to the Commission; he is also to vote against all points of the draft except the individual secondary provisions.

December 16, 1951

VKP(b) CC Politburo Decree, 'The Question of the UN General Assembly Session'

The decree, voted on by Malenkov, Mikoyan, Molotov, and Khruschev, supports the adoption of the proposed draft instructions.

November 19, 1945

Draft Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet awarding Cde. Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, the Chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, the Order of Lenin

November 19, 1945

Draft Letter to Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin

The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party and the USSR Council of People's Commissars send M. I. Kalinin birthday greetings in appreciation of his service to the revolutionary cause, Communist Party, and Soviet state.

November 16, 1945

TASS Report Distributed to Cdes. I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, A.I. Mikoyan, L.P. Beria, G.M. Malenkov, and A. Ya. Vyshinsky, 'The Swedish Press Continues to Spread Rumors'

TASS reports on Swedish news stories on Stalin's rumored illness and the Soviet Union's isolation.

October 23, 1949

Cable Telegram no. 59363 from Kovalev to Stalin, containing a message from Mao Zedong

Mao details the actions of the Worker's Party of South Korea, its attempted actions and its repression by state authorities in the last month, and reiterates that he advised against offensive action.

October 29, 1945

Telegram, V. Molotov, L. Beria, G. Malenkov, and A. Mikoyan to Cde. Stalin

Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, and Mikoyan ask Stalin to approve an announcement awarding the Order of Lenin to A.A. Andreyev on the occasion of his 50th birthday.

July 8, 1949

Information about the Strength and Social Composition of the Communist Party of China

Report on the history of Chinese Communist Party, membership data, and party demographics

January 19, 1949

Guidelines of the Chinese Communist Party on the Question of Work in the Sphere of Foreign Policy

A Chinese Communist Party file outlining views on foreign policy, foreign trade, and social and cultural exchanges.

January 4, 1939

Translation of a Letter from Governor Shicai Sheng to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov

Governor Sheng Shicai expresses gratitude to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov for the opportunity to visit Moscow. After reporting critical remarks made by Fang Lin against the Soviet Union and the Communist Party, Sheng Shicai requests that the All-Union Communist Party dispatch a politically experienced person to Urumqi to discuss Party training and asks that the Comintern order the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang to liquidate the Party organization.
