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July 11, 1967

Report of the Inter-ministerial Expert Committee for the HSWP PC on military support for 'friendly' Arab countries in 1967

This document lists the requests for aid and armaments to Hungary by the United Arab Republic, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, and the amounts and types of aid and armaments that Hungary and the rest of the Eastern Bloc propose to give.

May 26, 1966

Report from the Hungarian Embassy in Cario on Kosygin's visit in the UAR

This report describes the visit of Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin to the United Arab Republic (UAR) during which he reinforced positive relations with President Nasser and the UAR and discussed the Vietnam War, Sino-Soviet tensions, the Arab World, Israel, and economic concerns.

January 31, 1958

Report of the Hungarian Ambassador in Cairo on the establishment of the United Arab Republic and the Syrian public opinion in 1958 (exceprts)

This report by the Hungarian ambassador in Cairo states that the Syrian people are wary toward President Nasser’s creation of the United Arab Republic, fearing he will enforce a dictatorship, however the Syrian communist party is in full support of the union.

September 26, 1957

Foreign Ministry report on the Hungarian government delegation’s trip in Egypt in 1957 (excerpts)

Report on conversations with Egyptian Foreign Minister Fawzi on the recent failed Hungarian Revolution and pressure from Western governments ("the Hungarian Question"). Egypt promised to support Hungary in the United Nations.

June 2, 1967

Report, Embassy of Hungary in the Soviet Union to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Discussion with the Soviet Foreign Ministry on the direction of India’s foreign policy. Topics covered include Indian opposition to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; India’s position on the escalating tensions between Egypt and Israel; the possible establishment of a new Asian regional economic bloc; and the recent decision by the United States to eliminate military aid to both India and Pakistan. Soviet policy towards India and Pakistan is also discussed, including the possibility of providing military supplies to Pakistan.