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December 4, 1950

Memorandum of Conversation Between the Chinese Ambassador to the USSR and Gromyko

Their discussion involves the idea of a definite Soviet victory in Korea, the failure of US soldiers and President Truman, the internal politics of the US; internal politics of China, the progress of the decision about Germany among the Soviets as well as other Western powers.

August 3, 1953

Protocol No. 22 of a Meeting of the Special Committee Under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

This document approves one million rubles in aid to be given to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the recovery of the nation's economy, which was damaged by the war.

August 10, 1953

Protocol No. 24 of a Meeting of the Special Committee Under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

An assignment of tasks pertaining to aid dispersement were given at the meeting--Molotov must write the telegram to Kim Il Sung informing him of one million rubles of aid to be sent; Molotov and Mikoyan were given the task of answering any questions that arose in response to the telegram.

August 11, 1953

Ciphered Telegram, Borisenko to Sokolovskii, Re: Meeting Between USSR and DPRK

The telegram features correspondence between Borisenko and Sokolovsky discussing a potential meeting with representatives from the USSR and DPRK.

October 20, 1950

Letter from Gromyko to Stalin on Korean Students in USSR

Report of the decisions on the training of Korean students of aviation and telegraph operation, graduate students, and specialists. The Korean ambassador, Ju Yeon-ha, requested to be informed in the preparation of the students and to be able to ask questions about the training.