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September 14, 1992

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Rabin on Monday, 14 September 1992

Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in the Near and Middle East and the changed in Syria's position toward Israel after the demise of the Soviet Union. Rabin expresses concern about the continued arms race in the region and Syria's purchases of Scud missiles from Russia and Slovakia. He also reiterates Iraq's continued capability to go nuclear within 5 to 6 years despite international arms control inspections. Last but not least, Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in Iran and Kohl's contacts with President Rafsandjani.

October 11, 1973

Letter from [Syrian President] Hafez al-Assad to [Chairman of the State Council of the GDR] Willi Stoph

Hafez al-Assad tells Stoph about the escalation of the war and about Israeli bombardment of civilian facilities and houses.

October 1973

Letter from Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to GDR State Council Chairman Willi Stoph

Undated letter from Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to GDR State Council Chairman Willi Stoph requesting support in conflict with Israel

August 1, 1983

Letter from Erich Honecker to Hafez al-Assad

Honecker shows his concern about the growing tensions within the PLO and between the PLO and the Syrian leadership. He appeals to Assad to continue his cooperation with Arafat.

June 25, 1982

Message of L.I. Brezhnev to Syrian President Hafez Assad

Brezhnev appeals to Assad to continue his support for the PLO. He blames the passivity of the other Arab states for the critical military situation in Lebanon.

October 14, 1982

Official Friendship Visit by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED and Chairman of the State Council of the GDR, Erich Honecker, in the Syrian Arab Republic (11 to 14 October 1982)