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January 17, 1956

Letter, V. Akshinskii, Deputy Secretary at the Soviet Embassy to China, Regarding the Behavior of Soviet and Czech Specialists in China

USSR ambassador on the freely and offending conduct toward the Chinese people of the Czech specialists employed with their Soviet counterparts in Shanghai.

October 14, 1983

Telex from the East German Embassy in Romania to Bucharest, 14 October 1983

Summary of Romanian position on the Euromissiles Crisis presented at October 1983 summit and also shared with the United States via a letter from Nicolae Ceauşescu to President Ronald Reagan.The Ceauşescu – Reagan letter underscored that: (1) Romania did not approve of the Soviet missile deployments; (2) noted that Romania would only participate in defense operations, and specified that it would carefully consider the nature of the call for assistance by fellow alliance members before sending its troops outside of Romanian territory; (3) stressed that the Romanian Armed Forces were fully under national control, giving several specific details on how this was guaranteed; and (4) explicitly noted that Romania did not and would not ever host nuclear missiles on its territory, whether from the Soviet Union or the United States.

September 28, 1961

Letter from Khrushchev to Ulbricht Regarding the Situation in Berlin

Khrushchev response to Ulbricht's 15 September letter regarding the closing of the border between east and west Berlin. He notes that since the Western powers were tending toward negotiation rather than confrontation over the crisis, "such steps which could exacerbate the situation, especially in Berlin, should be avoided."

September 15, 1961

Letter from Ulbricht to Khrushchev on Closing the Border Around West Berlin

Ulbricht writes to Khrushchev regarding the closing of the border between east and west Berlin.

August 3, 1961

Walter Ulbricht's Speech at the Moscow Conference, 3-5 August 1961

Ulbricht speaks at the Moscow Conference of Secretaries of the Central Committees of the Communist and Workers' Parties of Socialist Countries for the Exchange of Opinions on Questions Concerning the Preparation and Conclusion of a German Peace Treaty.

November 25, 1968

SED CC Department of International Relations, 'Note on a Conversation with Com. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on 22 November 1968 at the Havana Airport'

SED CC Department of International Relations writes this note on a conversation with Com. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on 22 November 1968 at the Havana Airport with Com. Egon Winkelmann. They discuss foreign relations between Cuba and the GDR.

November 27, 1968

Note on the Final Talk with the CP Cuba Delegation on 21 November 1968

A Note on the Final Talk with the CP Cuba Delegation on 21 November 1968 about Cuba's foreign relations with various countries, including the Soviet Union and GDR.

January 31, 1968

SED CC Department of International Relations, 'Information on the Third Plenum of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and on the Attacks of the Cuban Communist Party against the Socialist Unity Party of Germany'

The 3rd Plenum of the Cuban Communist Party took place in Havana on 24-26 January 1968. During the Plenum the decision of the Politburo of the CC was announced not to participate in the consultative meeting in Budapest. Fidel Castro held a 12-hour long speech.

January 31, 1962

Socialist Unity Party of Germany Central Committee (SED CC) Department of International Relations, 'Position on the publications about the Meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba [CPC]'

On 29 and 30 January 1968 the central organ of the Cuban CP, “Granma,” published the speech given by Comrade Raoul [Raúl] Castro, second secretary of the CC of the CPC, at the 3rd meeting of the CC (24-26 January 1968). In this speech, comrades from the CPSU, the SED, and the CPCz were directly attacked in connection with the measures of the CC against a “micro faction” and openly accused of conspiracy against the Cuban party leadership and of collaboration with the penalized Cuban comrades.

January 8, 1963

Record of Conversation with Comrade Blas Roca in the Building of the National Committee

Lösch and Cde. Blas Roca discuss the role of the Soviet Union and its actions in the Cuban crisis and their support of the Cuban revolutionary government.
