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March 1970

Report on the China Problem Following the 9th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

This study addresses aspects of Chinese domestic and foreign policies after the 9th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Internal party disputes and undemocratic structures are said to characterize the Chinese leadership. The document offers an analysis of the socio-political state of affairs in China and states that the delay in economic growth is due to violations of the economic principles of Socialism. As far as its foreign policy is concerned, China is strengthening its military potential; Beijing's intensified relations with Western countries are condemned.

November 10, 1966

Note of Comrade Bergold, East German Ambassador, with the Polish Ambassador in North Vietnam, Comrade Siedliecky

A note on a conversation between Mao Zedong and Le Duan. Zedong confronts Le Duan with instances where he has spoken out against China. Le Duan states that Vietnam does not support the Cultural Revolution, but will do nothing to oppose it. He answers other questions about economic policy and Soviet revisionism.

December 10, 1964

Note No. 131/64 on a Conversation between the Soviet Embassy Counselor, Comrade Privalov, and Comrade Bibow on 11 November 1964 in the GDR Embassy from 10:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. [Excerpts]

Conversation at the East German Embassy between Embassy Counselor Privalov and Comrade Bibow, centering on the Vietnamese delegation to Moscow in November 1964. They discuss how Soviet policy remains unchanged since the 22nd Congress, and how the Chinese try to oppose the successors of Krushchev.

July 28, 1979

Transcript, Meeting of East German leader Erich Honecker and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, Crimea, 27 July 1979 (excerpt)

Brezhnev reports to Honecker on international affairs.

March 10, 1980

Evaluation of Chinese Policies toward Eastern Europe by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

This document addresses China's alleged bid to undermine the unity of the Socialist countries while maintaining special relations with Romania, Yugoslavia, and North Korea. Chinese foreign policy is seen as interfering in the domestic affairs of the Socialist states. By maintaining contacts with Western countries and by encouraging further armament of NATO, China is undermining the position of the Warsaw Pact. The Soviet evaluation assesses China as an unreliable partner in international relations and advises that all contacts of the Chinese government with foreign organizations or authorities be closely monitored.


Analysis of the Romanian Attitude toward Maoism

This document offers an East German assessment of Romania's attitude towards China. It emphasizes that the Romanian Communist Party approves of the Chinese Maoist line and agrees with Beijing's domestic and foreign policies. Romania's foreign policy is said to attribute the same importance to relations with China as to relations with the Soviet Union. It also notes that the Romanian government has given more publicity to the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and West Germany than it did to similar moves between East Germany and India. The authors identify an anti-Soviet bias in the Romanian position, which the authors believe undermines the unity of the Socialist countries.

August 2, 1971

Record of the Meeting Between Leonid Brezhnev and East European Party Leaders in the Crimea (Including Discussion on China)

This record of the Crimean meeting between General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev of the Soviet Communist Party and East European party leaders addresses Soviet domestic and foreign policies. Also discussed is China's anti-Soviet attitude. Brezhnev mentions the negative reactions of Korea and Vietnam to US President Richard Nixon's planned visit to China. The participants at the meeting are in favor of intensifying relations with Japan. Further discussions focus on the possibility of China joining the UN. All participants at the meeting criticize Nicolae Ceauşescu's visit to China as damaging the interests of the Warsaw Pact. Romania is said to support China's politics towards Albania and Yugoslavia.

July 9, 1973

Report by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on China's Policy toward Western Europe and Opposition against the CSCE

This document contains information prepared by the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) on China's European policy and Chinese opposition to the convocation of a Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE). It states that China's overall goals are diametrically opposed to those of the European Socialist countries and their Communist parties, with Beijing identifying the Soviet Union as its primary enemy. In this light, the Soviet leadership maintains that actively confronting China in ideological and political terms remains one of the most important tasks of the Warsaw Pact countries.

April 8, 1963

The Influence of the Chinese Communist Party on the Policy of the Korean Workers Party

An East German diplomat analyzes the behavior of the Korean Workers' Party in 1962 and 1963, and concludes that the Chinese Communist Party has a great influence on North Korea because of the traditional relationship and Korea and China.

June 20, 1963

Information About the Policy of the Korean Workers Party from the East German Embassy

Criticisms of the DPRK are made about Kim Il Sung's personality cult, concealment of socialist countries' support, waning cooperation with socialist countries, intensification of China-North Korea cooperation, and distancing from the Soviet Union.
