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May 5, 1980

Annex 9: Conversation at the Peking Airport, 25 April 1980

Berlinguer explains that they cannot invite the French Socialist on behalf of the CCP as the French Communist might get offended. Hu Yaobang said that the CCP was not ready to normalize relations with the French Communists as they were not independent enough yet.

May 5, 1980

Annex 8: L'Unita, 'New Stage in Relations between the CCP and the PCI' (26 November 1980)

May 5, 1980

Annex 7: Interview with Deng Xiaoping, 17 April 1980 (Summary Report)

Deng and Berlinguer talk about the strategy of Indira Gandhi and the policy of the Soviet Union in South Asia.

May 5, 1980

Annex 5: Proposals for the Development of Relations between the Two Parties

Hua talks about the bilateral misunderstanding of the past. Hhe stressed the importance of his visit to Yugoslavia and Tito's role in improving the relationship with the PCI. He also touches upon the situation in Afghanistan.

May 5, 1980

Annex 5: Proposals for the Development of Relations between the Two Parties

The PCI proposes a set of option for future cooperation and Hu Yaobang accepts them all: a CCP delegation to Italy; continuous dialogue between PCI and CCP via the correspondent of Unita in Beijing and Chinese Ambassador in Rome; etc.

April 22, 1980

Annex 4/C: Last of Meeting of 22 April at 4:30pm: Hu Yaobang's Questions and Berlinguer's Answers

Hu Yaobang asks about PCI relations with USA; PCI relations with French Socialists; and Hu's proposal to use the PCI to send Mitterrand a message and an invitation to China.

April 22, 1980

Annex 4/B: Meeting of 22 April 1980: Hu Yaobang's Answers to the Questions of Pajetta

Hu Yaobang answers to Pajetta's questions on: Lin Biao and the Gang of Four; their influence on foreign policy in 1966-1967 and in 1974; the recognition of Pinochet government in Chile

May 5, 1980

Annex 3: About the Relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Italy (Speech of Comrade Hu Yaobang during the Talks between the Two Parties)

Hu Yaobang talks on the bilateral relations between CCP and PCI (in French)

May 5, 1980

Annex 2: Minutes of Meeting with Hu Yaobang, April 18, 1980, 9:30am

Hu Yaobang summarize in six points the international situation and the position of CCP in foreign policy: USSR, China-Vietnam, Cambodia.

May 5, 1980

Annex 1: Minutes of Comrade Hu Yaobang's Interview with the Delegation of the Central Committee of the PCI Headed by Enrico Berlinguer (April 16, 1980)

The speech given by Hu Yaobang analyzes the process of domestic change after 1976 in an historical perspective that touches upon Mao's errors. (in French)
