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April 30, 1982

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note for Comrades: Berlinguer, Pajetta, Bufalini, and the Secretariat'

Introduced by a cover letter by Antonio Rubbi dated April 30, 1982, the document is a report by Siegmund Ginsberg dated April 28, 1982 from Beijing. It is an account on the situation in the country and on Chinese foreign policy.

July 12, 1981

Report 3: Delegation of the Chinese Communist Party, 3-12 July 1981: Third Meeting of the Two Delegations, Saturday 11 July at 17.00

Chiaromonte and Peng Chong discuss on the internal situation in China after the 6th Plenum; on URSS and Afghanistan; Cambodia; European missiles; on China and Soviet Union. Berlinguer comments on the resolution of the 6th Plenum and appreciate it.

July 12, 1981

Report 1: Delegation of the Chinese Communist Party, 3-12 July 1981: First Meeting of the Two Delegations, Friday 3 July at 16.00

Feng Chen exposes the outcome of the 6th Plenum of CC of the CCP elected at the 11th Congress concerning the approval of the document on the history of the CCP.

April 22, 1980

Annex 4/B: Meeting of 22 April 1980: Hu Yaobang's Answers to the Questions of Pajetta

Hu Yaobang answers to Pajetta's questions on: Lin Biao and the Gang of Four; their influence on foreign policy in 1966-1967 and in 1974; the recognition of Pinochet government in Chile

May 5, 1980

Annex 2: Minutes of Meeting with Hu Yaobang, April 18, 1980, 9:30am

Hu Yaobang summarize in six points the international situation and the position of CCP in foreign policy: USSR, China-Vietnam, Cambodia.

May 5, 1980

Annex 1: Minutes of Comrade Hu Yaobang's Interview with the Delegation of the Central Committee of the PCI Headed by Enrico Berlinguer (April 16, 1980)

The speech given by Hu Yaobang analyzes the process of domestic change after 1976 in an historical perspective that touches upon Mao's errors. (in French)

April 11, 1980

The People's Republic of China from the Third Plenary Session (18-22 December 1978) to the Fourth Plenary Session (25-28 September 1979) of the Central Committee (XI) of the CCP

This document drafted by the Ambassador Francisci in Beijing on April 11th was received by the PCI on April 14th 1980. It, is an account of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CCP (December 18-22, 1978), the 2nd Plenary Session of the 5th People’s National Assembly (June 18-July 1, 1979) and of the National Assembly of the 5th People’s National Assembly (June 15-July 2, 1979) and 4th Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CCP (September 25-28, 1979). In the conclusion the Ambassador Francisci drafts an interesting analysis of the anti-Dengist and pro-Dengist social groups within China.

March 21, 1980

Notes from the Meeting with Feng Xuan, Member of the Central Committee and Deputy Minister of the International Liaison Department of the CC (Peking, 3 November 1980)

On March 11, 1980, Feng introduces the internal situation of the CCP and the reason for the anticipation of the XII Congress, the return of the Secretariat with Hu Yaobang in it, and the rehabilitation of Liu Shaoqi.

March 21, 1980

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note for Comrade Berlinguer'

A cover letter dated March 21, 1980, from Antonio Rubbi relaying the notes of a PCI delegation to Beijing from March 11 to 13, 1980

May 19, 1980

Letter, Enrico Berlinguer to Hu Yaobang

This document dated May 19, 1980, is the final version of a letter to Hu Yaobang in which Enrico Berlinguer thanks the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CCP for the hospitality received during his visit to China.
