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November 29, 1971

Letter, Ozbudun to Narasimhan

In connection with the issue of two Chinas in the UN, Kim Dae Jung proposes an ROK national effort toward national unification by precluding war and consideration of simultaneous entry of the two Koreas into the UN.

November 23, 1971

Letters between Narasimhan and Ozbudun

Ozbudun updates Narasimhan on domestic and international affairs in ROK. The 9th preliminary Red Cross talks made no progress. The ROK government worries that PRC's entry in the UN will affect the UN Korean question discussion. A Russian reporter may visit Seoul to sound out potential trade relations. Japan decides to forgo trade and banking relations with North Korea.

November 3, 1971

Letters between Narasimhan and Ozbudun

Ozbudun updates Narasimhan on field trips taken by UNCURK, the next meeting of UNCURK in Tokyo, the North-South Red Cross negotiations, and the National Assembly and ROK foreign policy.

July 30, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

The ROK government is anxious about the Nixon-Zhou Enlai meeting.Their anxiety stems from the US military disengagement in the ROK, Zhou's four-point program, and the potential for communist China to sway UN votes on the Korean question.

August 21, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Park Chung Hee's August 15 Address

In a drastic change from previous policy, President Park Chung Hee called for the peaceful reunification of the peninsula. One of the prerequisites would be North Korea's uneqivocal acceptance of the competence and authority of the UN. Some believe that the strength of the ROK economy and SALT program may have prompted Park's change in attitude.

March 27, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Legal Counselor Stavropoulos

Principal Secretary of UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari asks Legal Counselor C.A. Stavropoulos about submitting UNCURK report to the General Assembly only when the Korean question is debated.

March 27, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

Principal Secretary of UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari writes Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan about the continued boycott of the NDP from National Assembly meetings, meeting between UN Secretary-General and Ambassador Kim Young Shik, and the UN Command's proposal to bring passengers of KAL YS-11 to a neutral territory to determine their release.

March 9, 1970

Letters between ROK President Park Chung Hee and UN Secretary-General U Thant

Park Chung Hee asks for U Thant and the UN's support of the ROK in releasing the remaining 11 people from the KAL YS-11 hi-jacking incident in North Korea. U Thant acknowledges that he has no influence on DPRK authorities.

November 6, 1969

Request to Include Item in Twenty-Fourth Session of UN General Assembly Agenda, 'Need to Put an End to the Discussion in the United Nations on the Unification of Korea'

Eighteen member states request the inclusion of an additional item entitled "Need to Put an End to the Discussion in the United Nations on the Unification of Korea" in the agenda of the twenty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly. The item calls for the stop of discussion on the unification of Korea in the General Assembly due to the lack of resolution in the Korean division, its creation of more complications, violation of international law, lack of moral authority, and self-determination of the Korean people to solve the unification problem by themselves.

October 2, 1969

Statement of ROK Government Concerning the Korean Question by Foreign Minister Choi Kyu Hah

On behalf of the government of the Republic of Korea, Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Kyu Hah reaffirms the ROK's adherence to the purposes and principles of the UN, acceptance of UN authority on the Korean Question, and concern for North Korea's defiance of UN purposes, principles, and authority to the General Assembly of the UN.
