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Comprehensive History of the Lebanese Communist Party

October 20, 1950

Prince Farid's Meeting with an American Diplomat

Report regarding a meeting between Farid Chehab and the American Military Attache about combating communism in Lebanon.

March 22, 1953

Melhem Karam's Student Activities

Short report on a Lebanese student's involvement in a communist student union.

July 16, 1950

Combating Communism

Report on police surveillance of Communist activities in Lebanon.

July 15, 1950

Letter from Riyad al Solh about Combating Communism

Letter from Riyad al-Solh [encouraging the police to] cooperate with the Sûreté Générale in order to stop supporters of communism.

July 15, 1950

Letter from Riyad al Solh about Combating Communism

Letter from Riyad al-Solh answering Chehab's questions regarding communist activities in Lebanon.


The Committee for the Liberation of the Arab Maghreb in Cairo

Description of the new office of the Committee for the Liberation of the Arab Maghreb in Cairo, as well as activity in the Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria offices, consideration of opening a Tunisian main office in Lebanon, and progress of the Tunisian and Moroccan independence movements.

September 26, 1948

Security Agreement between Lebanon and Syria

[Probable draft] of a joint security agreement between the Lebanese Sûreté Générale and the Syrian Sûreté Générale with sections on Jewish people, foreigners, artists, refugees, Palestinians, Communists, political and diplomatic personalities and Lebanese and Syrian nationals.


Disagreements within the Communist Party

Declaration on the investigation and expulsion of a central committee member due to his continued dissent.

July 15, 1952

Communist Activities

Document discussing an Islamic conference on Muslims living in the USSR, a meeting of communists, Lebanese-Soviet relations, and Lebanese-Israeli relations.
